McCarthy Urges Voters To Just Ignore Thomas’ Call

Because that’s exactly what Jesus told them to do: When you pray, make sure it’s right out there in the open so everybody can see it.

Oh, wait, let me check my notes…

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. Mt. 6:5

Never mind.


Shoot I’ve already fired up a bowl of day weed.


It will be at 4pm here, but it doesn’t matter anyway. The sun is always over the yardarm somewhere in the British Empire (traditional time for a sailor’s first shot of grog).


Of course they did.
So public institutions have to accept individuals sharing their “sincerely held beliefs” with students EXCEPT if the students or teachers are gay, Jewish, women, black, Latino, or poor.

I’m sure this is also based on legal horse shit.
This fundamentalist court is illegitimate.


My best friend was an officer in the US Army in Germany in the 1960’s and used to regale us with tales of the beer in the vending machines at the supply depot he was stationed at. :heart_eyes:


There was a recent poll that found over 40% of people, particularly those who are college educated won’t or would seriously reconsider moving to a state with severe abortion restrictions or bans. These are states where their public health infrastructure is under stress as well. So their basically eating their seed corn by making it harder to attract businesses and talent.


Exactly. Sotomayor points out how absurdly narrow the majority’s definition of “coercion” is, and how it flies in the face of existing precedent on the topic. It’s an extremely disingenuous majority ruling.


I’ve been wondering to myself about that. Is it possible that by undoing the last century of progress in this country’s advancements in civil rights that Thomas is secretly crying for help because he wants a divorce? If he makes inter-racial marriage unconstitutional, problem solved! He’s just too weak and submissive to Ginny that he dare not speak those words to her directly, or they’d surely be hell to pay.


“Pay no attention to those crazy people on the Supreme Court.”


On #3 - they could have been making abortions safe but rare over the last 50 years by addressing the root causes - cracking down on sexual violence and child rape, eliminating the discrimination pregnant women & mothers face in the workplace, etc; providing affordable healthcare, a living wage, childcare, etc, etc.

But now we’re supposed to believe they’ll take care of everything in just a couple of months…

…and whatever they do propose, don’t be surprised if their idea of support ends before the child is one year old. The other 17 years will be up to the woman to figure out.


Some students of different faiths felt compelled to join. That was in the oral and I am sure written arguments.


It’s a trash opinion. As a lawyer and someone who mostly did appeals and worked in appellate court, I find it embarrassing.


Although most every entity does polling, to both get reaction to and develop messaging/marketing, absolutely NO ENTITY does more polling than America’s GOP. I think they see the writing on the wall, and are trying to take us back to the 1950s before they lose the ability to shape our Nation as they wish.

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Interesting…someone has to have flipped and is ready to testify tomorrow and they need to get them on the record before some “pressure” is applied on them to rescind the offer, right? Otherwise, why bother?


I hope people choose blue states to go on vacation.

Newsom and the governors of Oregon and Washington are working on making the west coast a safe place for women to have abortion.


This Federalist Supreme Court is illegitimate bullshit.


The normally taciturn Thomas smells blood now that precedent means ignoring anything past the 1700’s (when convenient). He’s saying the quiet part out loud because he no longer has a reason to even pretend that he isn’t a partisan hack in a robe.


Not just seed corn for future business but current business as well. If Texas doesn’t miraculously flip Blue in the midterms with Beto as Gov and enough Dems in the legislature to reverse the abortion laws, I’m wondering how many major corporations with headquarters there might decide to relocate? Especially the ones exposed to public pressure campaigns like American Airlines, Exon, HP, Dell, AT&T.


The “safe but rare” thing really bothers me. If we treated abortion as what it is, a medical procedure, nobody would care how many were performed. And they shouldn’t. “Safe but rare” is just handing the moral highground to the anti-choice Taliban. Rare implies there is something wrong with abortion and there isn’t.


I’ve never liked “safe but rare” either. It’s a sop aimed at people on the fence who are squishy about abortion but maybe winnable to our side, but it still denies women full agency over their bodies. The only people deciding how rare their abortions should be, are the women who make that decision for themselves, full stop.