He hasn’t declared yet.
"Fish flop around before they die." – David Jolly
Yep, losing bad so turning over the game board and yelling, just like the Founding Father’s envisioned.
The A final boss (at least 4 Montana): Jon Tester.
Probably because when something that outrageous occurs it’s difficult to conceive of anything sufficiently hyperbolic to mock reality. Lewis Black was in semi-retirement during TMFWWNBNH’s tenure. When it’s all outrage all the time it’s difficult to find a particular bit of outrage that will benefit from some focus.
Maybe my grandchildren will be able to look back and see the ‘premier irony’, but I’m afraid I can’t. I look at this mess and all I see is that things won’t get straightened out in what remains of my lifetime.
This is no way to run a country. Seriously. And we haven’t even gotten to the Senate’s “part.”
“Mace Is Now A Yes”
What did I say - a Two Faced Liar, yet the media keep allowing her to get away with it.
Hey, it’s currently a lot more than that. Small engines, like lawnmowers etc, require LEADED gasoline. That will run ya some $10 – per QUART.
I wonder which bit of kompromat Qevin showed George (‘If that is his real name’) Santos?
Just wondering about the current count.
Wait, is Soellner saying Santos lied? Is she saying a Republican House Representative lied?
This is my shocked face.
I know it looks a lot like my regular face but, really, it’s my shocked face.
You’re assuming that the items are countable…and well-ordered.
ETA: I’m agnostic on the axiom of choice.
Tis ok, it’s not like Santos seat is on a target list.
Let’s go Trillion Dollar Coin!!
Immediate disqualification.
He should not be allowed on the ballot.
Everyone has a price.
Mace’s was just met.
What is Senator Tester holding in that leetle bitty jar? Just wanna be sure of my assumption…