McCarthy Edges Closer To Seizing The Debt Ceiling As GOP’s Prized Hostage – TPM – Talking Points Memo

Hardly a master class in laying down a marker so you can negotiate from a position of strength, is it?


I have no idea, I just googled ‘smiling Jon Tester’.


A local lawnmower and small engine repair shop was selling Avgas (leaded aviation gas) for much less, a workaround for the high-priced stuff found in local hardware stores. Gasoline powered small aircraft engines are the last remaining legal users of leaded gas sold at the pump. You just have to visit the local general aviation airport to find it.


“McCarthy Courts Stream Of Undecided Members In Marathon Meetings”

The one thing they’ll work hard for: doing evil. Well, that and grabbing money — often by doing evil.


Not collateral damage. Focused damage. They want to destroy America and Americans too.


Always remember and never forget:




If Biden holds his ground on the debt limit, Kevin McCarthy will have an unexpected, unannounced visit at the 11th hour with Ned Beatty’s character from “Network” and will fold.


It’s not always money that buys the corrupt.


He’s for it, he co-authored an editorial with Rick Scott.

Frankly, McCarthy putting together a bill that everyone on his side of the aisle can agree to is worse than watching the sausage-making on Capitol Hill get made. It’s the entire process by which the Grand Poobah and Congressional Haruspex must dissect the budgetary entrails to divine the mysteries of what makes Congress so lame to begin with. The process begins by laying the entrails gently at MTG’s feet while Matt Gaetz and Andy Biggs dance around them with tiki torches wearing their big boy pants. Gym Jordan puts some of the entrails in a headlock by first using a scissor move while Scott Perry pretends he’s invisible until someone asks why he’s just standing around doing nothing. Boebert the Birdbrain takes her youngest child’s AK47 to shoot up the proposal as target practice, only in an effort to make sure it can survive a full onslaught by the left under desperate circumstances. All of this is truly a sight to behold. The whole process is so sacred a ritual that only a few select freedumbers from crazytown are chosen to participate in the final analysis before being presented and then summarily rejected by the full Congress…

So…fuck all this. These people are not serious about legislating let alone governing. It’s the six figure salary they want and the ability to make millions in insider trading while in Congress. If it involves anything more than a few yes or no votes in two years for dumb shit so be it. But let’s get real. How many jobs can you make six figures without having to do anything serious, and and then pretend later you did more than you actually did, or voted for things you actually never voted for…like say, infrastructure? Yeah, that happened too.

Rant over…I gotta pick out some flooring for my kitchen. See ya later.


Mace switched her vote to yes after meeting with McCarthy. She said he’d given her the promise “of working out how we might work on balancing the budget in the future.

Dems need to find someone to run against Mace. She has proven over and over that she cannot be trusted to do the right thing. I do not trust anything that comes out of her mouth including her views on abortion.


Mace switched her vote to yes after meeting with McCarthy. She said he’d given her the promise “of working out how we might work on balancing the budget in the future. Obviously not with this, but he heard my concerns.”

Episodes like this become much less perplexing when you consider that national GOP are literally sock puppets of the ultra-wealthy.

That’s also why this is true:


Ultimately, the GOP senate and House members are all Andy Biggs.


Totally agree. I was slightly impressed with her when she first came to Congress sounding all reasonable, but she’s pretty much given that all away. I think she’s ripe for getting picked off by a Dem.


It’s important to note here that deals are being made on future bills by McCarthy so he can try to score a political point. We don’t know what those deals are, but he’s making individual promises to members at the ends of the spectrum to try to shove this through with the barest margins. Those deals will come around at some point, likely in horrific bills in the future, and it’s possible that Republicans manage to lock things up just because McCarthy can’t make deals anymore because his extreme members won’t agree to go along and be hoodwinked again.

The other thing is that this is pointless, the bill itself will never go anywhere and is basically Republicans screaming to have all Biden’s victories undone and make it harder for poor people to exist. It’s pretty mean spirited, but Republicans will camp on it to “prove” that Biden won’t negotiate. They are going to back themselves into a corner with this and refuse to raise the debt limit…odds are Biden will take a route to avoid a default and look leaderly doing it, and Republicans will look like jerks. Hopefully that continues for the next year, Biden being the responsible adult against the primal scream of Republican babies is a winning position.


But, but … Representative Mace. She’s studying it, carefully. She’s on the fence.

Seriously, that’s what passes for brave counterpoint in the Trumplican circus these days. Such courage!

They can’t even gather four members willing to say, “We’re not going to play this stupid game, risking the financial standing of the nation, Kevin. Full stop!”

PS - Wrote this before I saw Mace folded after a little chat. Of course she did.


She’s like one of those “Queen-of-the-night” cactuses (Peniocereus sp.): beautiful in the evening, but shriveled up and dangling ugly in the morning of the next day.


Qevin and the GQP’s efforts to do this may well bankrupt America, which would be absolutely criminal.

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