Maybe Pence Should Be Hung! Meadows Reportedly Recalled Trump Saying

After video emerged on Jan. 6 showing Capitol rioters chanting “Hang Mike Pence!” Donald Trump said something to the effect of, maybe Mr. Pence should be hung, The New York Times reported Wednesday. The report was based on accounts of testimony to the congressional Jan. 6 committee. 

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Donald Trump, as a businessman, as a politician, as a human being, has absolutely no redeeming value. None. He is like toxic waste, i.e. cannot be recycled.


For all the hair-on-fire panic-buttons: what does this kind of leak suggest to you about the sheer mass and damning nature of the evidence they’ve assembled.

Trump will die in jail.


In 2016 you would hear his supporters. “But he’s a builder!”
His rhetoric gave us the stochastic terror which led to 1/6 and the construction of those gallows. It’s as if he contracted them out and in typical Trump fashion shafted the contractors.


As a part of his neurosis, nothing and no one outside his personal existence really exists. Hanging Mike Pence seemed like a good idea to Trump because “Mike Pence” was just a construct that was there to prop him up in office and do his bidding. When “Mike Pence” stopped doing what he demanded, “Mike Pence” stopped being useful and if the people who still showered Trump with adulation wanted to hang “Mike Pence,” then that was probably all right, in Trump’s book.

He’s incapable of viewing other people as if they are actual living independent people with their own desires and ambitions (and right to live unmolested).


Yep, pretty close.


As long as he dies in jail like this.

He and Elon Musk should go and populate Mars.


MaYBe he Was Just SAYing Pence IS Hung? His HAnds Are GIAnt hands compared to TRUmps “regular-sized” hands.


Separately, citing committee testimony, the Times reported that Trump spoke “approvingly” of the “Hang Mike Pence” chants.

While masturbating.


Right at the top of the Times article (by Maggie Haberman, natch), in the third paragraph, just after reporting that Trump had approved of chants of “Hang Mike Pence” by the Capitol insurrectionist mob, Haberman wrote, "It is not clear what tone Mr. Trump was said to have used."

And that is peak fucking New York Times. Picture the drafting session: “Shall we title it, ‘Trump Agreed with Rioters that Pence should be Hung, but may have been being Sarcastic’?”


A Meadows lawyer told the Times they had “every reason to believe” that the account of Meadows’ retelling “is untrue.”

“The account is demonstrably untrue. They said that Meadows’ retelling began at 10:05 am, but it did not start until 10:06 am.”


You are absolutely correct. Perhaps the only person whom he actually thinks is a living human being with emotions and the capacity to feel pain or betrayal is Ivanka. But that’s the Ivanka he created through all the cosmetic surgery . . .


Who was he expecting to take his place? Chuck Grassley perhaps?


I can guarantee you that, should TFG be on the 2024 ticket (which I don’t think he will), he will have a VP candidate who is a slavishly loyal hatchet man who can be counted on to cheat, damn the consquences.

In 2016 he knew nothing of how our elections work.


In other words, 100% acceptable to Mitch McConnell and the GOP during Trump’s First Impeachment.

The Impeachment the mismanagement of which resulted in one million COVID deaths and a near destruction of our system of the transfer of political power…


A Meadows lawyer told the Times they had “every reason to believe” that the account of Meadows’ retelling “is untrue.”

“My client is lying”, is one helluva statement.


As if the article wasn’t watered down enough by Haberman the Hack…


Trump being intrigued by the idea of Pence being hung is predictable (though it should be shocking) and doesn’t tell us anything we didn’t know about the guy. The interesting nugget here is how mad Trump was that Pence had been whisked away to somewhere safe. I wonder if that news also included the fact that he’d been taken to somewhere safe in the building instead of getting into the car to leave the building that his Secret Service detail had been trying to get him into.


He’s a sociopath, and other people’s feelings don’t matter to him and they might as well not exist, but in this situation I think another key thing is his sadism. He’s a physical coward but part of the disorder is rage at anyone who frustrates a desire of his, who acts as any kind of antagonist. He was in an agony of humiliation at being voted out of office, and that event had to be unhappened, and he thought Pence could do it and Pence didn’t, so he wanted Pence dead. He typically accused people who worked against him of treason and pointedly would say that treason was punished by death. These rages are a window through which you can most clearly see how deeply sick a person he is.