Manchin’s Proposed Changes To The John Lewis Voting Rights Act Would Gut The Bill


It proves out that the vaccine reduces the issue.

Now, if the southern Red States, most of whom have refused the vaccine, see a spike, but the blue States with high rates of vaccination do NOT see that spike, I think Joe becomes the hero.

The States, for instance, in the northeast that took it on the chin horrifically a year ago, are among the highest percentage of full vaccinations in the country - Vermont recently announced that it was at 80% and the rest of New England and the mid-Atlantic aren’t all that far behind.

When the 80% in Vermont was announced, some hater on FB wrote that that’s about the same population as Dane County in Wisconsin (for those not in the know, that’s the county in which Madison, the State Capital resides). I challenged that ‘hater’ as to Dane County’s vaccination level.

It wasn’t all that much less:

76% of Dane County’s eligible population at least partially vaccinated (

Now, go to the hinterlands of Wisconsin and the rates are a whole lot lower - in some cases, under 40%.

Personally, my husband’s two friends that got COVID are recovering, but the wife (a strident, ardent Right Winger) is having seriously long-term effects and is much slower in her recovery (also a smoker and a recent cardiac patient, prior to COVID).


I understand about 34% of Americans don’t plan on getting the vax. That’s about 100 million (pardon my in the head estimate). That’s a lot. Just read about one such nut case football player for the Bills. He claims to be immune already.


I know. We love our little furry friends.


IMO, it’s very much a piece of the idea that the wealthy should take care of those "less fortunate’ and not the Government

It’s been established over and over again that the less fortunate always take care of the lessor fortunate, as measured in percentage of wealth, than the fortunate have ever done. The fortunate always seem to manage forming charities, non-profits, and foundations to get other people to pay for their largess.


Then give Val Demmings a hand. She’s trying to put Scott in the dust bin of history here in Fla. The sooner he lands in a waste basket, the better. She was one of the impeachment managers in the first impeachment.

In my humble opinion, if the Florida vote was ever put to an audit, it would never pass muster.


Not only does he want to change it; he wants to make it unworkable and unenforceable.


Thank you! All Dems need to do is look back at the last time Dems were in control in the Senate- Republicans voted no on everything and hamstrung legislation as much as possible. We shouldn’t expect anything different now.

I think Stacy Abrahams chiming in might have been a not-so-subtle move to kill any support for what Manchin was proposing- if SHE liked it, Republicans were certainly going to vote no on it.


It depends on how long the mRNA vaccines protection will last. We’re hitting the six month mark when people were first vaccinated. For some people, the protection could be waning already. For those that never came back for the second shot (millions) there is absolutely no protection. It takes two shots of most vaccines to offer any protection against the Delta variant.

Added: And even two shots won’t protect you from getting a mild case, but it will protect you from a more serious case or dying from the rona.


Yeah, Cole Beasly or something like that? I read about him yesterday. Nut case.


Maybe OT, but Rachel had a very depressing program about how the Dems are pissing away weeks and months that could go for moving things ahead. Biden and Schumer just gotta get things moving.


Well, that’s a shame. I liked old Champ. And even briefly it was nice to see pets back in the White House.


Don’t worry…he has no principles…

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I heard somewhere someone was asked if she were vaccinated and she said no but she’d taken some antibiotics a week or so ago. I swear people are just total twits. This is a life or death thing. It’s not like it wasn’t in the news. I just don’t get it.


Scientists in London are saying about a year before a booster.


Said that earlier - the benchmark for any new administration is what gets done in the first 100 days.

Biden can point to his COVID relief and to the vaccination program and Juneteenth. What am I missing because if that’s all there is, it’s not very promising. And 2022 will properly reward the Dems for this record with a new GQP majority. The voters will be heard. They want shit to get done and the Dems just aren’t doing it and aren’t going to accept any BS reasons when the majority is in the hands of the Dems.

Articles have already been written about the filibuster and how most people neither care nor understand what this means. They just see that stuff isn’t getting done. Stuff they want done. So let’s get stuff done, already. and stop with the comity and niceties. Get 'er done.


I don’t either. Meanwhile they are talking about opening our borders at the end of July and the EU is saying that even unvaccinated Americans can travel there. Obviously all this is being driven by economic/ tourism interests. Personally I think everything has to slow down. There are many obstacles to ending the pandemic still ahead.


If He showed up to vote, they wouldn’t let Him. And someone would probably call Homeland Security about this Middle Eastern guy.


OT but OMG the ridiculousness is just zooming past the farthest-out Voyager probe because there’s this little Twitter kerfuffle where evidently McCarthy said Trump said he wants “me” to be speaker and nobody knows if he meant me-McCarthy or me-Trump. I honestly remember a time when national-level discourse wasn’t so crudely stupid and idiotic. I swear I remember that, in the Before Times.


Isn’t she running against Rubio?


Yeah. We’re simply not done the work we should be doing. We really have to push to get the holdouts vaccinated. As far as I can tell Pennsylvania’s at about 70 percent at least one but the rate has really slowed, and that’s worrisome. Have to sadly agree with Canada which has closed our border to nonessential travel for another month.