Manchin Puts Forward His Compromise Proposal For Voting Rights Bills | Talking Points Memo

Considering the Republicans are Morlocks, I am not at all surprised by that.

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Not “some”. He needs ten. I’ve read about lesser miracles in the Bible.


Forsyth (in The Day of the Jackal) posited that the United States was a mature democracy.

That can be debated. I do believe that the American People are not going to surrender their right to vote.

It’s not just POC who will suffer at the hands of the GOP, it will be white Democrats and Democratic voters as well.

That’s a bridge too far for people–who never for a nanosecond felt like being a member of a “minority”–and who are wholly socialized as persons with a sovereign Right to Vote for the Candidate of their choice.


Should he win his seat, make him the Dem whip. Just a stare from him would put any recalcitrant Dem back in line.


We are all Keynesians Eloi now"


Ding! ding! ding!

Also, guess who usually has to work on public holidays when “everyone” has the day off? No excuse absentee is much better than Election Day as a holiday


Well we really need to get out from under our gerrymandered map in Texas. But we need help here in general. We’re living in a state totally controlled by GOP and it’s like the china of the US.


I think infrastructure is more important. It gets money into peoples hands. If we don’t do that we have a way harder slog to keep Congress. Without Congress we’re screwed.


Only slightly OT.

Manchin described an openness to filibuster reform at odds with his most recent position that will buoy some Democrats’ hopes for enacting their agenda.


If Fetterman gets elected, as the 51st democrat, then we don’t need to listen to manchin’s preening quite so much.

So you’ve probably seen both names together in that context. Manchin isn’t up again until 2024.


I have several relatives in Texas who are not helping your cause. Best of luck to all y’all.


I hear you and I agree with you in part. The part where I don’t is where we can’t keep Congress if GOP efforts to fuck voting up aren’t addressed. So it’s both.

But yes infrastructure is not optional - this country is rusting and falling apart in places.




It seems like you have some work to do, Joe. If you want to bring in Republican votes, you need to show progress. Otherwise you are just another flapping jaw who can only create roadblocks.

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Your infra could use some structure.


That’s where I’m at with it. I don’t see his demands as being all that demanding, some of the changes are pretty smart and I think mostly fair compromises that get us what we ultimately want. For me, the devil’s in the details with most of his proposals. For instance, I’m fine with requiring voter ID if things like utility bills, college IDs, SNAP cards, etc. can be used as ID. Also, what are the eligible circumstances for absentee voting? Because if one of them is, “unable to get to my polling place” or similar language then I’m fine with that too. Ultimately, if the cost to get him to lift the filibuster on these two bills is to agree to his changes, we’re doing better than I thought.


Besides Manchin n Sinema, there are 10 Democratic senators (guessing) who either believe that the filibuster should be maintained or are for some reform.

Get their thoughts on this.


Despite the rough road up to this point, I think this is a good sign. Joe is now talking the substance of the Bills, not vague notions of bi-partisanship. The Bills (S1 and HR4) ARE bi-partisan right now when you talk to VOTERS, who, after all, should hold the only important opinions. (Representatives are supposed to represent - their own views and feelings are, quite frankly, secondary, but they see it that way only for a couple days after being elected).

His notions of what need to be changed in S.1 are acceptable to me, IF that is the only way to get a statute. There are two issues that need to be addressed by for S.1 and/or HR.4 before they become law. First, the procedures to COUNT that votes need to be standardized in one or the other Bills so that either 1) the potential for GOP fraud is eliminated, or 2) the DoJ, based on the preponderance of the evidence, can reach in and seize the ballots to conduct an independent recount and CERTIFICATION of a state’s disputed result.

Second, both Bills need to pass the Senate, which means they have to achieve cloture. (Cloture itself prevents even DEBATE, so I am not sure why cloture can be filibustered in a majority rule Democracy.) Once the Bill reaches the floor it needs a majority. Sen. Manchin needs to “fish or cut bait” on both of these issues, hopefully by Independence Day.


Yeah I was kind of surprised to see this compromise. We are. It’s pretty hopeful.


The mejicanito who appeared on Lawrence’s show was also hopeful.

He also is quite determined for all Texans to receive fair voting access.