Sen. Joe Manchin (R) has indicated what changes he’d like to see to both the sprawling democracy overhaul bill the Senate is slated to vote on next week and a measure to restore the Voting Rights Act that has yet to be formally introduced.
Manchin will be shocked and amazed when even this perverse mutated version of a Voting Rights Bill meets with absolute rejection from the GOP - because they are now dug-in and are now committed to opposing anything that could be scene as a Voting Rights Bill
Or is this a sign that his pointless stubbornness is weakening? Could be. His ‘suggestions’ (i.e. demands) are not very good ones, but it’s possible he could be looking for a way to save face.
I would be completely okay with him posturing to save face. Just getting frustrated with the long game, I guess. But woe unto him if he’s just yankin’ chains to yank chains. Don’t really believe any set of compromises would actually bring 10 sens across.
I heard on Here and Now today that there are rumors that he might change his party affiliation, that according to Politico, I think. Who knows the source(s) of those rumors, but plenty of people would have nefarious motives for spreading such a claim.
This bullshit is worth maintaining the current busted filibuster, Manchin?
Go tell your high-dollar donors that we know their names and won’t hesitate to boycott their pathetic business units if they keep trying to step on our democratic rights.
Fuck you, Joe. The only reason to requires “excuses” for absentee voting is to introduce hurdles to poor and working class people who rarely get the “excuse”, but between commutes, work, and picking up kids from childcare, have almost zero time (if that much) to get to the polls on a workday.
Even if you think John Fetterman has no chance to unseat Manchin (and I don’t know and don’t really care if he has a chance or not), donations to his campaign can only help to make Manchin more fearful for re-election.
Because absentee ballots have long been reserved for deserving folks, like retirees (never understood that one, they’re the people with all the time in the world to hang out in line on election day) and other groups who reliably vote republican.
Removing barriers to voting just means more and more poor, minority and other core Democratic voters casting ballots.
May as well surrender to socialism and get it over with.