Manchin Denies He Signed Off On Reconciliation Framework Before White House Released It | Talking Points Memo

Self-harming voters.

Similar to the angry parents in VA who are mad at the education system (just coz) so they’ll vote for a guy who’ll arguably make it far worse or even damage it irrevocably.

Perhaps the Democratic Party, should consider investing, not in a propaganda arm, but in establishing a cadre of roving pyschological counselors.


Though even then, he’ll be negotiating for 17 or 18 minutes.

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Manchin Denies He Signed Off On Reconciliation Framework Before White House Released It

Ain’t exactly gonna get him a chapter in the next volume of Profiles in Courage, is it?


Ted Cruz would have to install one of those deli ticket dispensers. And would spend a whole lot more time in Cancun.



3:29 p.m.

["Yarmuth Calls Manchin’s Desire For Specifics On Inflationary Impact ‘Stupid’

‘Manchin says he wants information about what the inflationary impact is gonna be — where does he expect that to come from?’ John Yarmuth (D-KY), chairman of the House Budget Committee, vented to reporters. ‘Nobody ever calculates the inflationary impact of anything because you can’t do it. It’s just stupid — I’m sorry but it’s stupid.’

Manchin keeps citing inflation whenever he wants to show he’s not too cozy with the reconciliation plan.

Pelosi put out a statement yesterday squarely addressing his inflation concerns: ‘Build Back Better will grow the economy without increasing inflation, because it is fully paid for,’ she wrote. 'As seventeen Nobel Prize-winning economists recently wrote in support of this legislation, ‘Because this agenda invests in long-term economic capacity and will enhance the ability of more Americans to participate productively in the economy, it will ease longer-term inflationary pressures.’ ”]


3:18 p.m.

["Pelosi Says Getting Text Tonight Is ‘Her Hope’

Basically, the House is doing all it can while the Senate has to wait around and finish negotiating with Manchin.

The House finishing the reconciliation text is a good step for them — but the Senate is where the real hangup remains. That’s why House progressives previously insisted on a Senate vote on the reconciliation bill before they’d vote for the bipartisan infrastructure one (though they’ve since softened on that position, showing where the real threat to the President’s agenda is)."]

The Closer is in Biden’s hands


They should kick him out of the oh that’s right.


New fundraising idea: Ted Cruz in a dunk tank.

With piranhas.


Silly me. I don’t remember pulling the lever for Manchin last November. Was Biden just a stalking horse?

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It was

Joe Manikin. Just pose him however you like.

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Manchin seems to have adopted McConnell’s definition of ‘good faith’


I’d pay money for that.


I feel like I’m in The Exorcist my head is spinning so fast

What a little prima donna he is. I don’t know how these people can keep calling him ‘my friend’…I want to Cher him…‘SNAP OUT OF IT!’

I am so sick of hearing this motherfuckers’ name.


Manchin is such a piece of shit. There. I said it.


Who’s your daddy? Who’s your daddy? This guy, Joe Manchin, that’s who! And don’t you forget it.

I’d settle for Ron Paul’s neighbor.


“Sir, this is a Wendy’s drive-through.”


“The more you donate, the lower he goes into the tank! C’mon folks, we’re only up to his knees, let’s get that money rolling in.”


I have a contrary point.

It would help a little bit, if the media didn’t treat this like some kind of hockey game.

Yesterday, I heard a reporter quizzing some poor guy, and all she wanted to know — all she wanted to know — was “when are you going to get this done.” Which of course is followed up by the templated story, “they said they’d be done”. And that’s it. That’s the “news.”


He listed provisions on child care, pre-K and home care as areas of agreement.

Cool, huh?

What the hell are they??? Hello? News? Any info on the news? Maybe a headline reporting the news, like, “Democrats Plan To Up The Education Of All Children”? If that’s what it is. I don’t know. I don’t plan on reading the bill. I plan on finding a NEWS SOURCE.

In addition to TPM   : - )

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