Maloney Says Her Remark About Biden Not Running Again Was Just Her ‘Personal Belief’

+1. It’s way past time for Feinstein to retire (and I voted for her last time as De Leon is a De Joke)


I posted earlier that I’m all for Feinstein retiring and Grassley as well. Her best days are behind her, and I believe that since was recently widowed she wants to go somewhere where she serves a purpose. She was magnificent in the aftermath of the Moscone/Milk murders but that was then. I have a dream, as MLK said, of Senator Katie Porter.


Apples and oranges. Feinstein has displayed some well documented signs of decline in the ability to be effective at her job. Biden hasn’t, but it would be totally on-brand for him to consider not running again if he thinks he couldn’t be effective 2 or 3 years from now.

Right about what? She didn’t imply anything about his age; she just doesn’t think he’ll run. His age would be the go to assumption, but there have been other reasons bandied about as to why it might be best for him to step down after one term so I’m not making that assumption yet.

It’s entirely possible I’ve missed some context that makes it clear she’s referring only to his age, so I’ll keep an eye out.

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Yet she’s able to defeat a 40+ year old opponent.

Though he’s said that he’s not worried about reelection, there’s no guarantee that he will turn away from declaring.

She’ll be repeatedly asked about this, but a congresswoman was asked if the president should run again.

If her answer isn’t about popularity, then it’ll be interesting to see what she based her answer on.

Sure, but a lot of the decline I mentioned has been since that election. Decades as a popular senator in a VERY politically friendly state may still give her an edge, but I expect the 2024 primary to be much more difficult if she does insist on running again. Biden’s national political landscape is completely different from Feinstein’s in 2018, although he probably gets a boost if we’re able to hold onto congress this year because he’ll be able to get more of his agenda through. Even then, I see Biden as being more willing to voluntarily step away if he thinks that’s right for the country. The job of prez is also extremely different from the job of senator since there’s only one prez.

Side note - Feinstein’s recalcitrance is one thing when it comes to finishing her term, but continuing to play footsie with 2024 is becoming increasingly ludicrous.

Not sure I understand your phrasing, but of course there are no guarantees. Even if he’s already decided not to run again, I wouldn’t expect him to announce that until mid 2023.

True. I’m guessing she won’t give any more details, though.

Joe should make his own decision about running again. His decision shouldn’t be made by someone else I think. It certainly is not up to me or Rep. Maloney. And I think Joe has done a far better job than a whole lot of folk are currently thinking.


That is truly insane - I’ve heard from people who are in a position to know that she really should hang it up now. If she does run again, I hope the primary field is better - last time it was Kevin De Leon who is far too left for me, thankfully he failed miserably in his attempt to get on the LA ballot (though Carusco isn’t exactly ideal, I’d vote for him over de Leon for anthing)

He’s done a great job, better than his predecessor and better than any given repub who’s had the job. But his age is showing in a lot of ways, and because of that and the age of a lot of Dem party leaders “gerontocracy” is being tossed more than it should be.


Some folks feel uneasy about Biden because of his speech impediment. He does have trouble getting words out. He stuttered as a kid and worked overtime to get past it. Just imagine someone who has a bad stutter going into a career where public speaking is an imperative. In my opinion that shows real guts and self confidence. And couple that with his ability at empathy and human understanding and that makes ground work for a winner for me, assuming the politics is right.
I had a dear friend say that Biden’s speech impediment showed stupidity. My response was.“does your thick Kentucky accent indicate anything about your intelligence”? That got a wry smile from my friend.
Biden’s age should be a factor, granted.


"Maloney addressed her comment during an appearance on CNN with an apology to Biden, and emphasized that she wanted him to run again.

However: ‘I happen to think you won’t be running,’”

I happen to believe that she’s is right. President Biden will be 81 years old if he runs again. It’s just too old and I’m sorry if that offends some of the posters here because I know many of you are up there in age as well and it’s kind of personal. He’s had covid and keeps coming up positive despite being vaccinated (another discussion). We still don’t know the long term effects of long covid. Even young people are now presenting with a plethora of significant long term problems due to covid. Outside of that Biden is in great shape for his age. He rides his bike and is very active but the job of being President is unlike any other. I think the covid situation may ultimately lead to him resigning, but that’s just a guess.

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She’s been my Congressperson as long as I can remember. It was a real pleasure to vote absentee for Jerry Nadler in the primary pitting them against one another in my newly-drawn congressional district.

It is her husband that had the Irish name. Her maiden name was Bosher. No wonder she switched.

However: “I happen to think you won’t be running,” the New York congresswoman said.

Stop digging, dear. Put down the shovel.

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