Maloney Says Her Remark About Biden Not Running Again Was Just Her ‘Personal Belief’

Every now and then an American youngster professes on the air that young people DO vote

They should be encouraged as much as possible.


Another green laser dot for The Hill and Politico to shine in front of the readership for them to chase.


What is it about Democrats anyway?

Remembering it is a Democratic Primary, if I lived in her district I’d say she just lost my vote. Remembering the question was “should he” and not “will he”, the only competent answer is YES.

Does she really think it helps her in a deep blue district to run away from your president?

The only sensible answer both politically and factually is “YES”. To evade with “I don’t believe he is…” makes her look apologetic for her President.

Although Nadler’s answer was not a good answer either, it was way better.


Their personal, and completely irrelevant, opinions about whether Biden will/should run in '24 are only essential to (in this case) CNN to feed today’s episode of “Dems in disarray.”

BTW, you scripted what should be the automatic response to these BS media questions. Reject the premise and control the narrative.


We have a set array of constituencies making up a coalition which also includes Democratic-leaning Independents.

Those people (who must be engaged with personally) are relevant in these matters.

On the other hand, the GOP was against Obama and did everything in their power to de-rail every aspect of his Presidency.

They have since gotten worse…to the point of criminality.

Their dealings with Maloney amount only to the generation of whatever political negativities they could muster to come her way


Hey! She’s my senator and I’m saying it. She and Grassley. They’ve aged out and now just a place to go between 9-5 a few days a week.


If only Obama had been nicer to Putin.


Thanks. Why do you (the media) care about the next election rather than this one. Heck any one of us may not be able to run in a future election for a myriad of reasons. We have work to be done NOW and let’s elect the people that will do that work and we’ll talk about the following election at an appropriate time.

This isn’t really very hard, but Dems just do not ever seem to have a cohesive message or delivery. Yet another reason Josh’s “Roe and Reform” bumper slogan messaging is so useful.


Joe would respond but his oatmeal is getting cold.

He disagrees


Even if President Biden only plans to serve one term, he won’t say so right now because of the Lame Duck phenomena.

If Democrats decisively take over Congress this November, he’ll have two years to accomplish his agenda.

But if he decides on serving only 1 term, once he announces he won’t run again pundits and ambitious politicians will push him and his agenda aside to focus on the next Presidential election and begin jockeying around to build “a name” for themselves.


Ask a a dumb question…
…get (mostly) dumb answers.

“The president has our complete support. Our focus right now is on getting 2 more senators and keeping the house so we can advance meaningful progressive legislation to create jobs and protect democracy, women’s rights, and our environment.”

And it’s not like she’s a spring chicken either… so seems an odd messenger.


Right. She’s 76 and Nadler is 75.

Unpopular opinion but I think there should be term limits.

Or let Congress come up with enticing “termination” offers such as those used for encouraging aging university profs to go.

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I think folks should be careful with that (term limits).

Though he’s clear about not being a ‘president for life’, I’d take Obama over whoever.

Dang shame about the 22nd getting in the way.


Yeah, Obama had problems


Lol, I was looking for this!

ETA. Damn blocks.

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Biden 2028 - because Trump tried to steal 2020.


Open mouth, insert foot, chew, swallow.

You’re absolutely right. Pundits and media love to focus on the new thing and dissect it because they’re too dumb to do anything much else esp. if the prompting doesn’t come through a headset.