Louisiana Cop Suggested AOC Should Be Shot In Facebook Post

I wrote letters to friends and family for many years but since the development of the internet most people won’t write letters either. My relatives don’t. I sent a letter to my granddaughter upon her graduation from HS back in May. With a check. Have heard nothing. I decided I am not going to harrass her about it. There will be no more checks.
Many young people can no long write cursive which is easier than printing a letter but that is less easy than typing it. I had a student who could not read my long hand comments on her work and my script it pretty darn clear. I learned in the ancient days of dip steel nib pens and India ink.
I’ve read that some schools are reintroducing longhand writing because it develops motor skills & coordination that typing does not.
Typing a quick reply on email or on messenger or whatever people use for their damn phones is now the custom. It is fast, immediate and not nearly as nice as a hand written letter, but it is what it is.

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Someone is going to be hurt eventually. Or worse.

Hmmmmmm…are my Cheatolini Clan voodoo dolls considered threats? Can I be prosecuted for jabbing pointy things in them every day?

(It would be a threat to my heatlh and well being if I were required to stop…only thing keeping my blood pressure under control these days.)

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Sent a quick note to the police department thru the city system just said dude should be fired. They had no filters to keep out traitor expat Ami`s.

It all hangs on what the meaning of the word “round” is. Since he is a police man it mostly likely means a drink but he ruled that out himself.

So he must have meant donut since they are round … yeah that´s it … give the nice lady a donut. He coiuld not have meant she needs to be shot because cops on the practice range would never commonly refer to bullets as rounds.

A dull, rusty spoon. FIFY


However, Lawson said that any punishment Rispoli may get for the post will not be made public.

Wrong. You get tax dollars, motherfucker, you release public information. Or you get your ass sued off.

Protect and Defend…not in DONALD J. TRUMP’S AMERICA!!!

Because the alternative is those same individuals with state authority to kill people holding their jobs and job assignments at the whim of the police chief and the chief’s subordinates/cronies. Some cities and towns have civilian oversight boards with actual authority, but that number is tiny. And police chief typically isn’t an elected position.


I often will track down a small business through their Facebook page, I admit.

It tells me that regardless of what they may be offering up on a platter to the Info Gods that it must be a plus for them financially. If I had a small business I would use the free Facebook platform without question.

Yes, this is one of major criticism in SouthBend. Buttigieg failed to get it done.

The police unions have got to go.
It should be an initiative on state ballots nationwide.
Civilian boards with authority should replace all police unions.

There should also be a national register for fired officers like there is for sex offenders to prevent fired officers moving from one department to another.

If a police department decides to hire in spite of prior employment history, civilian board must be notified.

I’ve said it before, but I really think a lot of folks go into law enforcement specifically so they can shoot folks they don’t like and hopefully get away with it.

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That’s what happens when careers as cops go to the folks who couldn’t do anything else after high school… In Europe, those careers tend to be reserved for people who have college degrees or go to multi-year schooling to be a cop. Makes a difference.


I grew up on a farm, as you know, and my dad raised horses. We got adept at using the tool in the image cuz it produced a sort of crush closure to the various attachments from the body tobyhe…ahem… organ in question. I am quite aure that emasculator tool would work better than a dull spoon. But the spoon does have a certain appeal.

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The title of this article should really begin with “Believing An Entirely Fake Story . . .”.

If people do not read the article carefully, they might actually believe that she said that.

“…We’re only going to be seeing more of this…”

Which tells me you and I take the broader view – that this is just one of many examples of the unintended consequences of what we call social media.
I think I’ve mentioned a couple of times that people in the 1960’s conceptualized what we now call social media and predicted it would be mostly a force for harm in our politics and society in general.


It wasn’t meant as satire. It was meant precisely to rile up people like this cop. That’s what all of these sites are for. They’re propaganda, often put out by Russia and other bad actors, to sow division and chaos. A few of them targeted liberals in 2016 and there might be a few still around hitting up the Louise Mensch/RoseAnne DeMoro crowd, but they mostly died out because liberals don’t fall for them as easily.


Sorry but this is nonsense, at least for people like me with poor coordination. Writing legibly in cursive takes vastly more attention and time than in print, where you have all short, straight or circular strokes. I’m 45 and I stopped using cursive as soon as we were no longer required to in sixth grade. I’m not sure I can even remember all the letters.

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When something officially says it’s satire, that’s almost always a disclaimer intended to protect them against the obvious criticisms of their content.

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And it’s almost always not actually satire, but simply lies.


Not saying I d on’t understand why the do, been a CPA for along time, just saying they lose business as well. don’t think most of them have any idea what their page looks like to a non facebook person looking up their business, and how much information is obscured. I’ve shown a few I knew who could afford a little more for a real website what it looks like, two decided they wanted a more professional and better look. And no, while I did design computer accounting systems and still do some tech support for Macs, I don’t write websites, except for family.

When you can’t read the menu without crap in your way, you decide it isn’t worth the effort.

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