A policeman in Gretna, Lousiana made a Facebook post last week suggesting that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) should be shot.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1236916
A policeman in Gretna, Lousiana made a Facebook post last week suggesting that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) should be shot.
Ummmm… Pretty sure anything less than firing is inappropriate here.
How can the public trust that he’s going to treat them at all fairly in a traffic stop or other interaction when that’s what he spews on his own time.
There need to be zero tolerance policies regarding hate speech and threats for people with badges and guns who literally get to make life-and-death choices as a matter of their job.
My reaction exactly. Also problematic is the “fake news” post – even though it was meant as satire – but that doesn’t alter the fact that nobody in the position of protecting the public and entrusted with the force of arms to do it should be suggesting murder as a solution to political positions you disagree with. Rispoli needs to be gone from the Gretna police force immediately if not sooner.
Remember the woman who flipped off trump’s motorcade while riding her bike. She got a photo of it and posted it in her Facebook page. She was then fired. (don’t know if she received justice and got her job back).
This is much… very very much… worse.
Appears to be a case of IOKIYAR, or a cop or… essentially, it’s ok as long as not a liberal or colored or Muslim.
I’m sure he’ll get a stern talking to. Isn’t that enough? /s
Inciting violence is a feature not a bug of the GOP plan to make the next presidential election a referendum on the proposition that “Pro-White Racism is a necessary response to Anti-White Racism,” the latter term being a myth that a surprising number of people turn out to believe in.
Gretna city police chief Arthur Lawson: We’ll wait for this to die down, give him a promotion and demand he start a private Facebook group. Problem solved.
Violence and threats.
When an angry man that carries a gun as part of his job says a congress woman should be shot, I believe his threat.
…Pretty sure that’s just the count through the end of January for AOC…
It would be different if brain dead MAGAts understood satire, but that’s about as likely as them understanding irony.
Sure is terrified of a Freshman Congressperson.
Write with copy of article to: Arthur S. Lawson, Jr. Chief of Police, 200 Fifth St. Gretna, LA 70053. 504-366-4374; 504-363-1725. Pretty sure Mr. Lawson doesn’t read TPM or any online news, considering this situation and his response to it. I’m trying to remember to love my neighbor …
Because the Republicans have nothing to offer the American public, when it comes to rights and freedom, all they have is threats.
They are out of their depth in a shallow pool.
We’re only going to be seeing more of this…
Remember how we chuckled when a court determined that Trump can’t block his critics on Twitter, and then it got spun into well AOC has to unblock those that she has blocked. I was torn, but now I think she should show all the racist, misogynistic, death treats she receives.
I just don’t understand why someone would get this upset over a politician that doesn’t represent them.
“I’m not going to take this lightly and this will be dealt with on our end,”
High fives all around!
However, Lawson said that any punishment Rispoli may get for the post will not be made public.
Sorry I stung your palm, buddy. Hope it doesn’t keep you from fwapping over pictures of Melania.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Isn’t it time we had a female “Emmanuel Goldstein.”?
Until I see a perp walk and a clear and unquestionable disavowing from all representatives on that side of aisle, we can be sure they are all in agreement and are just fine with this.
Nothing will happen because the President says it’s all good. Very patriotic of the cop. Very. I mean, after all, blue lives matter and we have to support the police.
Seriously. You know that’s how this will boil down.