Louisiana Cop Suggested AOC Should Be Shot In Facebook Post

Considering where we are now, it’s prolly a (slight) ‘across the board’ problem (hedging) and that shouldn’t be a surprise.

However, someone is going to make this about Pelosi, soooooooo…


She did not get her job back, despite filing a lawsuit. She is currently running for a seat on the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors in northern Virginia.


In September 2001 Barbara Lee D-Oakland received death threats and tens of thousands of pieces of hate mail. Why? Because she was the only member of the House who didn’t vote to authorize the US going to war against Iraq.

A challenger for her House seat marched in a New York parade not long after her vote with a sign showing the World Trade Center towers burning and the words, “Barbara Lee hates America.”

Everything old is new again.


I was tired of “America love it or leave it” already back in l969. I haven’t grown fonder of it over the decades…


Officer Charlie Rispoli should be referred to Federal authorities. either the FBI or the United States Capitol Police. Threatening bodily harm upon a member of Congress is a Federal crime.


He’s been offered chances to condemn these kinds of threats and he only says people are very angry at the victims because of their tremendous patriotism. We’re really in a new place with this guy.


Well… That’s not going to get anywhere.

He’s not saying that he’s going to do it, just the ephemeral someone should.

Threats have to be pretty explicit to actually be prosecutable.

Luckily for many folks on TPM, merely wishing for the death of those we hate is not currently a Federal Crime.


The cop seemed livid about the article, even though the site Taters Gonna Tate describes itself as a “satire” website and Ocasio-Cortez has never said that soldiers get paid “too much.”

The WP covered how they fall for this shit all the time. Even when there is a disclaimer at the top of the webpage saying nothing here is real.:


The threat was made publicly, the punishment should likewise be publicized, otherwise, as others have stated, we have no confidence that just measures were taken.


To Protect and to Serve

And to Call for the Assassination of Democratic Members of Congress
(especially if they’re female and/or a person of color)


I’m sure it violates a number of their privacy rules. Which, in and of itself, is a proper thing to have.

I’m going with we should find out because the only right answer is to fire him, which would make it kinda obvious.


Fucking facebook. It’s just a carrier for this disease.


Nor is it yet a Thought Crime that can be prosecuted. (But they’re looking strongly into that. We’ll see.)


I’d add “stupid” to that: “…an angry, stupid man that carries a gun…” Because he got his knickers in a twist over a post that was labeled as “satire” (whether I think that’s a thin veil of cover for a post that was just meant to stir up hate is for a different discussion). He just saw ‘brown woman Trump hates said something I don’t like’ and went from there. My dog is smarter than most of those hateful people, and I routinely (but lovingly) call him “dimwit”.


“Whether you agree or disagree with the message of these elected officials and how frustrated you may or may not get,…” [wrote Gretna, Louisiana Police Chief Arthur Lawson]

A major problem with however Chief Lawson intends to handle this matter seems to be his inability or disinclination to take into account that the officer was incensed by a fake article with a fake quote. It’s not ”the message of these elected officials” if it’s not anything ‘these’ elected officials ever said.

The public statement is wishy-washy at best, saying that such comments shouldn’t be tolerated while trying to keep discipline in-house, blah blah. But he’s not splitting the difference between two factions if he’s also signaling to his staff and the community that pays them to protect them that “truthiness” is a valid defense.

I mean, is he a “constitutional sheriff?” Is he saying that whatever can be interpreted by his officers on the scene as well as the Gretna DA’s office as “reasonable” or “believable” should be taken as fact for the purpose of prosecutions in Gretna, regardless of independent verification?

This response is worse than the mealy-mouthed BS usually attendant when announcing these non-punishment punishments because there is an underlying denial of reality implicit in his statements. He’s saying he’s willing to be credulous about someone, even someone armed and put in a position of public trust, if the source and message seem reasonably credible to him, even if it’s proven to be false before it even gets to his desk.


This will not go unchecked, meaning the out-of-control officer will have to sit in the corner for an hour.


I can’t tell you how much I hate FaceBook. It’s even worse than when many, many people thought AOL was the Internet and never ventured out of it, because they are selling us all downstream as well.

I do not have a facebook account, yet I guarantee they have a profile on me, by collating information from everyone who had me in their contacts when they got asked that seemingly innocent question, “Do you want to see if your friends are on FaceBook?” And they proceeded to say yes, not realizing that Facebook was going to scoop up every piece of information in their address book.


Their president told them to.


O yeah you’re right - that’s exactly what it was meant to do. It’s a gigantic data mining organization.

I took my page down and no longer have an account but I know that didn’t do much as far the data they already have.


A real shame that the only truly strong unions left in the US protect baseball players and police.