Loose Cannon Is Making A Mess Of The Mar-a-Lago Case

OT again: day one of the move to senior living. The F150, loaded with stuff, began heading out of Mesa toward Tempe. As is often the case in Mesa, the number one lane was blocked off with cones. Tooling along in the no. 2 lane, I saw the driver next to me in the no. 3 lane swerve suddenly into my lane. Whereupon, I deftly moved into the no. 1 lane to avoid colliding with that driver, instead colliding with one of those Stay In Lane signs. My driver’s side mirror is now in shards. They say breaking a mirror is bad luck. We’ll see. Stay tuned for more senior living adventures!


I have this creepy feeling that this whole Mike Johnson thing is a reprise of Season 1 of True Detective.

ETA: I did love the show, but I wouldn’t want it in my Congress.


Apparently, no one in Donnie’s family can say, “Due diligence.”
The only big surprise is these trusting souls haven’t been totally fleeced of their assets.


Kiss it goodbye!

Dead pines, firs, and cedars stretch as far as the eye can see. Fire burned so hot that soil was still barren in places more than a year later. Granite boulders were charred and flaked from the inferno. Long, narrow indentations marked the graves of fallen logs that vanished in smoke.

Damage in this area of Eldorado National Forest could be permanent — part of a troubling pattern that threatens a defining characteristic of the Sierra Nevada range John Muir once called a “waving sea of evergreens.”

Forest like this is disappearing as increasingly intense fires alter landscapes around the planet, threatening wildlife, jeopardizing efforts to capture climate-warming carbon and harming water supplies, according to scientific studies.

A combination of factors is to blame in the U.S. West: A century of firefighting, elimination of Indigenous burning, logging of large fire-resistant trees, and other management practices that allowed small trees, undergrowth and deadwood to choke forests.

Drought has killed hundreds of millions of conifers or made them susceptible to disease and pests, and more likely to go up in flames. And a changing climate has brought more intense, larger and less predictable fires.


That’s OK. Just as long as you don’t prosciuttotize.


Maybe there’s a courtroom sketch (or two) of Judge Cannon that TPM could acquire?


There goes my scheme to rename the common coot as “Trump’s shitburbler”.


I want something better than a courtroom sketch. I’m sick of seeing that same damn photo.

She could have avoided it from the very beginning. The system has a procedure for her to do that.

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So far Junior’s testimony is not doing him any favors.


That sounds like what I learned in engineering school that would be called an “elegant” solution. :thinking:

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don’t let this guy, DESANTIS,fool you…he is known as a mean vindictive little man…he never faces anyone directly, he uses the power of the state to do his dirty work.



True story:

A friend of mine is a historian. Years ago his girlfriend took him to dinner at her best friend’s house, hanging on the wall was a photograph of the friend’s late grandfather. Dinner was pleasant and on the way home my friend remarked to his girlfriend that the Insignia in the grandfather’s photo indicated he was in the Danish Frikorps Danmark. His girlfriend then said “Are you accusing my best friend’s grandpa of being a Nazi”? My friend replied, “I am saying something much worse I’m saying your best friend’s grandpa volunteered to be a nazi.
Next time they were over at the best friend’s house the picture was no longer hanging on the wall, but this was 30 years ago when most Americans still believed being a nazi was bad.


Yeah. Seven years of bad luck, but a good attorney can probably get that reduced.


I wonder how much the freak out would be if somebody opened a “convert the heteros” organization.


My exact thought this morning.


She wants to be called a “thought leader,” which is a loathsome descriptor just in and of itself.


You speak as if that matters one wit to said Trump flunky. Or to put it another way, that ship sailed long ago.


Cheeses sayeth, “why thou callest me gouda, for there is none gouda but god”.


I doubt that he’s telling her. He’s telling his legions what he wants them to know. If it is true that he really intends to do this, then I’m sure it has already been communicated to the dear judge, The thing is, can she trust him to follow through if someone better comes along? What if Alina bats her eyes at him?

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