Looks More And More Like Trump Will Fire FBI Director He Appointed In 2017

Originally published at: Looks More And More Like Trump Will Fire FBI Director He Appointed In 2017 - TPM – Talking Points Memo

As my colleague David Kurtz explained in Monday’s Morning Memo, it would be a massive break from precedent for Donald Trump to come into office with plans to replace the FBI director, a position that’s given a 10-year term specifically to inoculate against partisan politics seeping into the bureau’s operations. But it is increasingly looking…

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Frist! Wray’s bigger sin is not protecting Trump. First and foremost Trump demands the people around him protect him from everything and everyone.

Dang, almost forgot the kitty pic. Well, this will have to do-


Wow, Dr. Oz for CMS Administrator?!? At least it’s not someone from Heritage who’s set on implementing Project 2025. But still. CMS is a much more significant agency than any other within HHS in terms of its ability to hurt vulnerable populations, and Dr. Oz has no relevant qualifications. This job needs an expert manager, not a TV doctor.


Dear hubby did admit that at least Oz has an MD, but he was hauled before Congress to defend himself against the BS about weight loss medications on his show.

I don’t think he lost his license over it.


My prediction is that his nominee for FBI director is The Joker. If I’m right, remember, you read it here first.


Either the Joker or the Penguin. If the Enemies of the People insist that nominees be, well, not fictional, he’ll name MTG. She’ll be happy to go after his enemies. (And will have no problem ordering agents to shoot first and ask questions later.)


That is absolutely an appropriate kitty pic for the occasion.


Not Kyle Rittenhouse?


How about Sean Duffy for Transportation. No experience or qualifications, but T sees him on Fox News, thinks he’s handsome and his wife Rachel Campos-Duffy is a regular on Fox News and regularly praises Trump.


“Right out of central casting,” eh?


Well, he is a reality show star…


I prefer “scripted Game Show host.”

And just hope he meets his end as in “The Running Man.”

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I don’t think this guy has the look that DonOLD is going for.


But trump isn’t really interested in capability for the job, except negatively.

So we gotta ask our fellow citizens and local news media if a person with basically no management experience should be put in charge of such a large department that has such a huge impact on the lives of so many Americans, life and death impact. Sure he’s a surgeon, but heart surgery is not running Medicare and Social Security in any way.


FBI director, a position that’s given a 10-year term specifically to inoculate against partisan politics seeping into the bureau’s operations.

Oh, Donald won’t be partisan.


Like uh how was that supposed to work if they’ve been fired multiple times since that rule? Clearly it doesn’t mean anything.



What the fuck are we doing? Seriously, what the actual fuck?

Imagine all the lunatics at a madhouse held an election and they decided they wanted all the keys and they were going to eat the guards and administrators. And the fucking guards and administrators not only handed over the keys, but lit the fucking ovens and slathered butter all over themselves.

So I ask again, what the fuck are we doing? We’re actually going to let the guy who said he wants to end democracy, terminate the constitution and be a dictator do all those things? And we’re doing it to preserve an order that he intends to end?

This is fucking bananas. Just fucking insane.


One of our local PA (Lehigh Valley) tv channels (WFMZ) has an 11PM Spanish language newscast for the large Latino population in the Berks County / Lehigh County area.

Last night, I flipped by the channel kinda by accident for the 11PM telecast and the lead story was the potential “deportaciones masivas” for the area’s Latino population. Trump’s “national emergency” declaration and mass deportations to follow will be devastating to local Latino families and the local economy.


Precedent? We don’t need no stink’n precedent!

Seriously, where there is outright contempt for law can anyone imagine a norm could be impediment? Jon Stewart would like a word with you viz

What government actually is, is an overly complicated Byzantine bureaucratic maze of rules, loopholes to those rules, and norms complex enough that if you want to find a rule that keeps you from doing something, you’ll find it … and if you actually want to do something, you can find a loophole to get around said rule. And then the ‘norms’ are just how often you’ve had to pull any of this shit.

The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the tools to its own destruction.” – Josef Goebbels