I believe that is a significant feature of fascism.
Just a coinky-dink I’m sure!
Your one-word answer: Everything.
Every head would be held up high
There’d be sunshine in everyone’s sky
If the day ever dawned when I ruled the world
Trump kicks veteran police officer off stage for talking too long
“There’s only room for one pleonast on this stage, buddy, and it ain’t you!”
The My Pillow entrepreneur and prominent election conspiracy theorist announced on Tuesday that he would be shaving his mustache in order to sneak into the Democratic National Convention “incognito.”
… … … …
Apparently Mikey never heard of facial recognition software. Plus ya had to show ID to get in.
OT, but a reminder of what democratic societies can look like even under enormous, literally invasive pressure.
In Trump-speak this translates to his every day will be filled with joy because reelection is his only Get Stay Out of Jail Free card.
Ah @ralph_vonholst, I know we can always count on you to help us keep Google occupied!
A brand new (ok, to me) shiny word I’ve never seen before! Thanks!
The headline “Look What They Did To My Boy” is a perfect nod to the scene in “The Godfather” when Don Corleone goes to visit the body of his dead son, Sonny Corleone, who had been slaughtered at the pay station on the causeway. Brilliant analogy!!!
@ralph_vonholst is our resident vocabulary word guy.
Speaking of Arizona, here’s what Kari Lake saw when she went on a bit too long for organizers’ liking:
So, we got mailers from Trump’s campaign. It seems they just got the addresses of registered Democrats but the fliers were regular pieces attacking liberals. They did not try to tailor or make a case for Democrats to vote against Harris.
Once again, the Trump campaign used music without the permission of the artist. Another cease-and-desist letter is on its way.
Foo Fighters Reject Donald Trump Using ‘My Hero’ at Rally (billboard.com)
And as a welcome bonus should he be re-installed in the WH he’ll have the opportunity to divert large amount of tax dollars into his own ‘keep donnie a billionaire’ fund. Bigly joy from that.
Of course, the truth (heh) is that he has no real understanding of any actual issue, so whataya gonna do…he is incapable of behaving in any other way.
Maybe at one time, years ago, Donnie would have been aware enough to realize that making irrelevant and racist/sexist comments in public would have been poor form. No longer. The filters are dissolving, and his mental illness has diminished his ability to sort out situation-appropriate commentary. He now just blurts out whatever is top of mind, whether it makes sense or not.
So far in his life, no one has ever stopped him from doing whatever the fuck he wants whenever he wants it. His handlers are discovering the dismaying truth that he’s no longer a capable and clever guy, but just a mentally ill loose canon, shooting off his mouth night and day, and that every jarring nonsensical post or interview is losing votes. He will race right over the cliff and no one can stop him.
Borowitz summing up my view
And Alexandra Petri has a followup by RFJjr’s dead worm, endorsing Convicted Felon Trump:
A quote:
Ultimately, this came down to values. I say now what I have said this whole campaign: I am a parasite and I do not have the country’s best interests at heart. So it is clear to me now that I have no choice but to drop out of the race and support Donald Trump