LIVEBLOG: Super Tuesday | Talking Points Memo

self-entitled POS

Stole my party name! Who has Nunes’ lawyer’s name? I’ll sue! Keep on the lookout for SEPOS Party v. Bloomberg.

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My polling place was deserted. I bet it is coronavirus fears, people are already selectively hoarding here in SF (darn that Jude Law)!


There were a few people hanging around the CA vote center next to my house when I left for work, we’ll see how many are there when I head home. There are already 3.5 million votes from CA in this primary, and people can still mail ballots so anything mailed in the past few days through today is in there, as well as whoever votes. I’d expect maybe 7 million votes total, which probably helps Sanders more than anyone else.

As noted, CA will likely not have an early result in many races, and final results will take a week or two in anything close…remember the House races in 2018 where counting over a week led to a few Republican House seats going from a close victory to solid defeat. It will take time to get the detailed delegate vote, which probably hurts Warren more than anyone since she will be floating at the margins in some places (depending on how many people switch to Biden instead of her).


It’s easy for Rs to have a timely release of numbers. Take the number of registered number of Dems, cut it in half, take the number of registered R, report all of them, et voila. an election count bound to please.


Week or two is more like it, we’re so big and there are so many different ways to vote.


Nailed it!!! Hahahahaha!!


McConnell told reporters, before * * * that all of the remaining candidates have signed onto policies that “would lead American in the direction of a socialist nation.”



If you liked that, you’ll love what the director of the VA, which is the biggest experiment in Socialism in America (including not only free healthcare, but also cash payments to members), had to say about socialism…


Yes and no. If you have declared a party, you have to vote that party’s ballot. If you have no affiliation, you can request any, if the party allows that (Ds do). Also, you can pretty easily change your declaration of party ahead of the primary (and right back after if you so choose).

So, you can’t just vote any ballot, but you also can if you have the minimum forethought.

And as for low turnout signs in CA, I wouldn’t rule out the fact that in person voting has been open in many locations since early February, along with vote-by-mail. I voted this past weekend and it wasn’t crowded, but there was a steady trickle of people ahead of me and behind me. The feedback I’ve gotten from people around me is also that people have been taking advantage of the extended window and voting at their convenience over the past couple weeks. Just anecdotal, but don’t make assumptions just yet over turnout…


Does anyone else suspect that Klobuchar’s withdrawal from the race (and Biden endorsement) was choreographed with Biden well before the South Carolina primary? She knew she was doomed after Nevada, but my guess is that Biden asked for her to stick around until after he won in SC to hype the idea that he had “momentum”…



Your OneWordAnswer™: No.

Due to early voting, her late withdrawal and endorsement doesn’t help him today nearly as much as it would have at any earlier point.


Wouldn’t mind seeing it, yes, but I wouldn’t bother reading it.


Well, on the one hand, he’s not entirely wrong. You’d see a national version of VA that’s available to all citizens without all the charges.

Which would obviate the need for having a separate healthcare system for Veterans.

I just think it’s laughable that he’s running a massive experiment in socialism and can’t even appreciate that that’s exactly what it is.


Sanders’ older brother, Larry Sanders, …

That can’t be his real name.

If he’s really older than Bernie, then his name must be “Methuselah.”


its not like all that many people were voting for her to begin with – and probably most of them would make up their own minds about who to vote for with her out of the race. But her endorsement got massive media play, and was central to the “Biden is back” narrative that the MSM has suddenly embraced— she was all over the news shows after she announced her withdrawal, and that suggests that she knew in advance what she would be doing…

Yes, and he’s not the only maroon trying this two-bit charge, is he?

We can laugh – but we should also fight back.


Oh, please. She got 3.2% of the vote in South Carolina. You can’t convince anyone that Biden wouldn’t have loved to add her votes to his total and get over the 50% mark in the state.

You’re literally the only person on the planet that is reading some sort of conspiracy into the endorsements.



At first glance, I thought that you were calling @castor_troy an asshole. Then I thought “Wow! @katscherger’s in quite a mood today”


At second and third glance, too.