Lindsey Graham’s Kyiv Adventure Shows GOP Split On Ukraine

Lindsey could easily wear drag in order to avoid being a target of an assassin. Brilliant!


Does he have iron bars on his windows? Plus, it may be time to give up tea.


That clip, as it turns out, was edited in such a way as to connect the two ideas — the “best money” remark was actually from a different part of the conversation, not referring directly to Russians “dying.” Watch the edited version, posted by a pro-Russian Twitter account, here:
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Sorry but I’ll not send “clicks” to Russian Tweeter accounts. I do not support those (enter epithet here). I don’t support Elon…err… Elmo either.


He’s fine.

One of my first thoughts was the Miller kidnapping (he was stuffed inside a steamer trunk), but Russia ait that crazy; yet.

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The way I read the piece, the editing was already in the clip as released by the Ukrainian government. The Russians didn’t do the editing.

Did they choose to go with the interpretation which was offensive to them?

Did some of their reactions get ahead of themselves, not noticing the edits, and then once the dudgeon was out there, they were committed to the bit?

Don’t know.

But it seems to have been the Ukrainians who set this up.

Interesting choice, to make Graham look not merely supportive of the Ukrainians, but cheering for Russian deaths.


“I bought five rugs for 5 bucks,” cracker Graham said.

LOL! A cracker with drama. Sooo much drama. I bet he’s still talking about Baghdad and how he had to stay hydrated. And all the dust and everything. And coughing, and sweating. And the medal they never gave him.


“End the war in 24 hours”??? In what universe? I used to think Empty Greene was just ignorant; now I begin to believe she is mentally ill.


I take it that you mean the Barney Miller episode where he’s kidnapped and held ransom.
A few years ago I had to go to the precinct across the street from me to file a claim regarding my credit card being hacked. The detectives were courteous but the place had a very old world Barney Miller vibe to it right down to the desks and their attire.





That’s the ticket! Sneak up and VACCINATE him!


Maybe Zelensky is tired of Graham blowing hot now, then cold?


It might be possible if Trump got back into the White House. He could call Zelensky and say he has immediately stopped all US military aid to Ukraine by executive order, including satellite and signals intel. And then tell Zelensky he has 24 hours to make a peace deal with Putin before Trump announces publicly that he’s doing this.

The rest of NATO might still support Ukraine, but I believe Ukraine is completely reliant on US satellite intel and probably SIGINT too. The air defenses over Kyiv require a steady replenishment of US-supplied missiles. Their war fighting ability would be crippled without US support. A status quo peace deal giving up the land Russia is occupying might be their best option.

I don’t believe MTG knows any of this, she’s just taking Trump’s word that he’d end it in 24 hours without questioning how it would be done.


Unicorns and cherry flavored snowcones
She got the idea from a brag of trump’s. He said if reelected he would end the war in 24 hrs. Of course hatred of Russians will endure for generations in Ukraine and nothing anyone can do will change that.
My attitude is not gonna change either. I was in Prague in 1968 when the Russian army invaded Czechoslovakia. A Russian tank’s main gun was fired and the noise destroyed my ability to hear well. Bleeding from on’s ear is not easily forgotten. Neither is seeing a man killed with an AK47 a mear 5 feet from me. So I have no “love” for the Russian army


One really good thing that has happened over the past week is more consolidated support for Ukraine from within the US on the heels of Russia’s dud in Bakhmut. Lindsay Graham and Kevin McCarthy have both voiced strong support and the House GOP has agreed to additional UKR funding. That is critical at this juncture of the war.

Russia has apparently taken over most of the rubble that is left within city limits of Bakhmut, but they have so exhausted themselves in doing so and have given up the flanks around the city that it really doesn’t feel like a victory. The growing sense is that Bakhmut is a bit of a turning point against Russia. We’re seeing independent groups within Russia seize territory from the Russian gov’t. We’re seeing UKR methodically building up for a large offensive. There is infighting among different factions within Russia. If the GOP is marginalizing its nutter wing to support UKR and UKR has a successful counteroffensive, Putin could be done in 2024.


Trouble with capitalist democracy is you can buy it. Between Trump and Brexit, Putin has had a great decade.


He should dress in drag- I would love to see Gooper heads explode.


I would be a happy man should Putin ‘accidentally’ trip and fall down a Kremlin staircase or fall out a window.


On Friday evening Congress member Ocasio Cortez had a town hall meeting at a school in Corona, Queens. There were a few Putin supporting cranks of whatever ideological stripe (horseshoe theory?) in the audience shouting and holding signs “why $100 billion for Ukraine”. She managed to verbally smack them down with aplomb.


Graham himself, since returning from Kyiv, has bemoaned that his party is adopting what he calls the “Biden defense budget”

Somehow we managed to eke out aid to Ukraine from our meager $858 billion defense budget, which will receive a paltry $28 billion increase under the dreaded “Biden defense budget.” Has anybody said “Fuck Lindsey” yet?

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