Lo, a presidential hopeful from days of yore has returned!
Former 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Lincoln Chafee is taking another shot at the White House, this time as a member of the Libertarian Party.
Sorry, Lincoln. The other Lincoln, who’s been dead for over 150 years, will get more write-in votes than you.
Not part of a major Party, not a billionaire, and probably without significant corporate backing nor enthusiastic grassroots support equals no chance in today’s politics.
However, Chafee was forced to suspend his campaign several months later in October after falling kilometers behind Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).
I dunno, that metric system platform is timely and topical and at the same time sorta seventies-retro, for those who yearn for the political good ol’ days. (Where’s that eye-roll emoji when I need it?)