Lincoln Chafee Makes An Unexpected Comeback As A 2020 Libertarian Candidate

I have just a few questions that deserve an answer from Chaffee spouting his newfound Libertarian dogma.

  1. What are your views on progressive taxation?
  2. What are your views on expanding healthcare?
  3. What is the government’s role in regulating pollution?
  4. What is the government’s role in regulating banks?

I predict that any answer would be a non-starter among rational people.

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Keep an eye out for campaign contributions in Rubles

Tulsi as running mate?


We saw what you did there, Cristina.


HA! That is some clever writing.

However, Chafee was forced to suspend his campaign several months later in October after falling kilometers behind Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).


Ah yes, where would we be without all the perennial losers joining the race? I say go for it. Chafeee chafes me. Yeah, that’s right, rubs me the wrong way, but hell, he’ll mostly take away from tRump voters I figure. Anyone in the D camp probably won’t give a shit or pay him any serious attention. There’s a reason he loses starting with this:

Political party –
Republican (before 2007)
Independent (2007–2013)
Democratic (2013–2019)
Libertarian (2019–present)

This won’t be any different this time. The guy simply is having another identity crisis…or he’s run out of money to live off of and unregulated campaign cash is the way to go these days.


Putin’s bots have their eyes on her as their #1 stalking horse candidate for an independent run at some point. I have no doubt she’ll probably go that route eventually to make Vlad and tRump happy.




Its hard out there for an ex-Republican, ex-Independent, one-time Democrat, and current Libertarian political pimp these days.


Give 'em an inch they’ll take a mile-meter.


Is this now the face of Mid-life Crisis politicians who can’t make it in the private sector? The man is running out of party affiliations.

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I expect his responses to be measured…


You’ve got a lot of gall-on.

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Even the Russians probably would not want this guy to run. No way he gets enough votes to make a difference…

This year’s Jill Stein…

Metric system? Trump’s base will probably think that’s a disease foreigners are bringing in. Give those fools an inch, and they won’t take a kilometer. Have no idea what it is.

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if he runs as a Green in 2024 then he wins Loser Presidential Candidate Bingo!



Who is he, again? I keep forgetting.

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I’m getting the impression that all it takes to secure the Libertarian Party nomination for President is to just show up. Am I wrong, or is it really just there for the taking for whoever wants it, qualifications be damned?

… or Elbonia.