Limbaugh Blasts Fox News | Talking Points Memo

Rush has grown increasingly irrelevant over the last few years, and this is his witless effort to reclaim his position in the right-wing lie-o-sphere.

And it’s a massive fail.


I’m glad he snapped out of his Oxy haze long enough to go on a rant. It must have exhausted him. Maybe it’s time for another “boy’s weekend” in the Dominican Republic where a cabana boy named Raul is waiting for him.

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“We’re gonna need a bigger tub.”

Looking forward to when wingnuts start declaring Fox News far-left propaganda. When they do, I suggest people ask them, “How far to the right do you have to be to think that even Fox News has a liberal bias?”

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Rush Limbaugh, attempting relevance since 2000.

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He should avoid people with Proton Power Packs. I’m just sayin’.

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Limbaugh. Blast from the past.

I forgot he was still on the air.
Do we know what this ratings are these days?

You mean to say it is all a lie?? Shocked!

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I love the smell of desperation in the morning!

Listen to Limbaugh…

Nope. Not after observing what listening to him has done to my parents.


Gawd! Limbaugh? Is he still alive?

Who cares what low-IQ drug addict says? Send him back.

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I hate to disagree about this, but, the truth–and it makes me what to vomit to say this–is that this moment, the very fate of the Republic hinges on how Fox News reacts to this crisis and, if it turns on Trump, whether the idiot viewers accept it or reject it and run off in search of more bias confirming propaganda sources. And Limbaugh’s denunciation of Fox for crimethink suggests that the mouthbreathers are not going gently into that good night. it suggests he thinks this attack is good for ratings.


Rush Limbaugh = Reactionary Racist Pole Dancer


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It’s true. Lefties don’t need Facebook but RW sure does.


Yes. Never forget that Newt is a primary bad-actor who accelerated the move of the GOP to the nuttier fringes of the right wing of politics. He & his GOPAC poisoned the minds of up & coming young republicans to be anti anything center or left of. Each successive iteration of a gop politician had to become more right wing & bat shit crazier to win their next election. Gohmert, Goetz, Jordan, Blackburn, Cruz; the list is endless and certainly doesn’t delve down to local or state level politics. The gop is so fortunate to have ignorant voters and a well functioning propaganda network at play.

How is it that overweight stressed out men like Limbaugh, tRump, Gingrich, Barr manage to live? Isn’t the US deserving of more MI or strokes on the right?

(Get well, Bernie. You’re not my guy but I want your voice pushing voters to pay attention).


“Listen to Limbaugh rip into Fox beginning at the 1:00 mark?”

No thank you! That’s what I pay TPM for. You guys listen to him and trump and filter it for me.

Otherwise my outrage goes into the red zone.


Remember too, that his show is free to radio stations. That’s how he got picked up so quickly, cheapskate owners needed time to fill and it came as part of a larger program package.


Limbaugh is one of those people who, whenever I see, hear or read about him, I immediately think of all the good and decent people who died while his evil bloated racist pill-popping shitass continued to live on. Fuck you, universe, fuck you.

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Hey thRush, if he’s so innocent, why is he acting so guilty?

Go eat some pills you un-American pox on the airwaves.

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