Rush Limbaugh is following in President Trump’s footsteps in attacking Fox News.
During an episode of his namesake radio show Wednesday, conservative radio giant Rush Limbaugh took aim at Fox News — where he’s been a regular guest — for featuring “Never Trumpers” in its coverage on Trump’s infamous July call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.
God Gawd Almighty, that man trump is unhinged! For the first time in a long time I watched his helicopter screech presser from a few moments ago and I have never heard so much projection from a narcissist since I was with my ex. And that is really saying something.
Please TPM, don’t give this gasbag any attention whatsoever. You’re doing that clickbait shitty thing again.
Limbaugh, for all intents and purposes, disappeared from most respected media outlets awhile ago simply because they quit covering him so much as they once did, and reporting on his bluster and bullshit. It is a waste of time and space. You’re giving this asshole the kind of oxygen he loves as a way to spew his nonsense. He doesn’t deserve to be profiled by your coverage. Who’s next? There’s a bunch of extreme rightwing radio shows with the same kind of toxic blather. Are you gonna cover them too?
If tRumpers want to go to war with each other, that’s their problem. Let’s hope they have at it. We don’t have to participate in their internecine wars. I can always amuse myself with their antics from the cheap seats but its hardly worth it if it means bringing back the voice of Rush Limpass. It took years to get him out of the headlines, even where normal cable news would quit mentioning his every utterance. Let’s go back to that, shall we?
Conservatism has been under assault, yes indeed, by the radical racist reactionaries who took over the former conservative party in 1994, led initially by Gingrich and Limp-balls, with the current Combover-in-Chief being only the latest of the juvenile generals to lead the never-ending charge against decency, rule of law, and every other value this country, and conservatism, supposedly embodied.
Ah… poor, drug-addled Rush Limbaugh. He can’t grasp that “…conservativism is under assault…” because:
What he labels ‘conservativism’ has nothing conservative about it. It’s pure radicalism and grievance.
They’ve hitched their wagon to a petty narcissist with criminal tendencies, which anyone with an ounce of common sense would want to distance themselves from.
Limbaugh concluded that “Never Trumpers can’t even defend their own beliefs because Trump happens to hold them.”
All the gasbagging and gaslighting aside, the irony is that neither Trump nor Limbaugh are conservatives, they are venally corrupt men pandering to a particular mythology with conservative pretensions; the only “beliefs” either hold are to themselves alone.
Facebook with Zuckerberg at its helm has made their bed. Zuck has made it clear which side he’s chosen. They are a fucking rightwing profit center, so fuck them. Its time for the country to wake up to how politically manipulative as a business they have been and still are as a way to make more money while sacrificing not only people’s personal privacy but the country’s national security interest.
Rush Limbaugh:
What happens when an inoperable anal cyst is left untreated and grows to well over 200 pounds.
If you remember correctly, it is postulated that’s why he received his Vietnam war deferment.
According to the Military Entrance Processing Command, a pilonidal cyst was then and is today a so-called “disqualifying condition” for induction. It’s a congenital incomplete closure of the neural groove at the base of the spinal cord in which excess tissue and hair may collect and cause discomfort and discharge. The malady can be corrected by surgery, but short of that it is viewed by the military as a needless risk amid unsanitary conditions in the field