‘Let’s Go Brandon’ And The Linguistic Jiujitsu Of American Politics | Talking Points Memo

I’ve been getting spam emails for “let’s go Brandon” hats from a suspiciously foreign sounding email address…

Ten year olds with secret decoder rings does not a democracy make. Not that our contortion qualifies as any kind of authentic democracy, though.

Brainwashed relatives boast that they chant this stupidity in their churches.

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That’s because there’s no such thing as "conservative humor’.


He’s not personally funny. He reads scripts.

I like direct. Direct is good.

The Right’s fascination with “lets go Brandon” brings up the much overlooked “deplorable” as used by Hillary as a euphemism for racist.

Brandon gave an unimaginative, insipid inaugural speech - which he apparently wrote all by himself. If his staff provided any assistance, Apollo help us.

Brandon can form a complete sentence and has never said ‘covfefe’.


Pre-politics, during his early comedian years, Abe Lincoln used to slay the Bar Mitzvah party circuit.


Word was he was actually pretty funny (of necessity because he definitely weren’t pretty).

I like the apocryphal tale about him meeting a woman coming the other way on horseback who pulled a gun on him.

She said, “You are the ugliest man I’ve ever seen”. His reply: “M’am, if that’s true then fire away.”


I’ve seen zoo-caged primates use that same linguistic Jiujitsu; Nearby viewers laughing derisively and ducking.

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I like the way your brain works…

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I think the bar for “hilarious” must have dropped considerably since last I checked.


A short while later (1968?) Nixon said, “Sock it to me” on Laugh In.

He didn’t laugh, however, so I don’t know if that counts ; - )



Adolf Drumpf sucks green donkey dicks. Nothing minced about that.