This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis. It first appeared at The Conversation.
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This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis. It first appeared at The Conversation.
Elementary my dear infants.
Assholes gotta asshole.
It’s not even funny. The Republicans are never funny.
Same thing happened at Eschaton back in the day. Trolls all called us “moonbats” so many of us started calling each other moonbats and within a few weeks the trolling with that slur stopped. Gays did the same long ago with “queer.” I look at it like martial arts, use the opponents energy against them.
Really enlightening read … more like this, please!!
Need we mention the Repugnicants “leaning in” to the basket ‘o’ deplorables?
How does one combat a foe that revels in their own banality?
A lot of this seems like schoolyard-level insult but it has never been clearer that effective politics needs to address the lowest common denominator. It’s just that, well, I guess I didn’t believe that so many cases of arrested development among nominal adults was possible or that it could genuinely effect electoral success.
Whenever I encounter assholes who say “Let’s go, Brandon,” I usually just tell them to go Brandon themselves with a rusty chainsaw.
Did you mention that the Trump campaign is actively selling “Let’s Go Brandon” t-shirts?
I’ve considered making stuff to sell to the goobers and it’d be easy, trust me. I still think from time to time I should.
Easy Money
I think we should reclaim the phrase. The best suggestion I’ve heard is that Biden should invite some handicapped kid named Brandon to the White House to give him an award for something (academic achievement, whatever), and then see him off with “Let’s go, Brandon!” Make sure it’s on all the networks.
But seriously, I think the WaPo giving Marc Thiessen a platform to repeat that is utterly disgusting. Not Thiessen–we already know he’s disgusting–the WaPo. If I hadn’t already canceled my subscription 6 years ago, I would now.
I also think it’s disgusting coming out of the mouths of congressmen and senators, like Cruz and Greene. Yeah, we already knew they were also disgusting, but still.
It’s funny when they use it after getting punked.
Hope she misses out on turkey day, though looking at her I’m sure she’ll be fine.
No stuffing for you!
Late yesterday WAPO published an opinion by March Theissen speaking his tiny mind on this subject. Almost 5K quick comments andn it’s not closed to further commentary.
As someone who served six years in the White House, I have a deep respect for the office of the presidency — even when I don’t particularly like or respect the current occupant. So when chants of “F— Joe Biden!” began to spontaneously erupt at college football games, National Football League games and even the Ryder Cup, I was not a fan.
But “Let’s go Brandon!”? Now, that’s a whole different story.
The “Let’s go Brandon!” chant emerged at Alabama’s Talladega Superspeedway, while NBC reporter Kelli Stavast was interviewing NASCAR driver Brandon Brown. As the raucous crowd behind him broke into a loud “F— Joe Biden” chant, Stavast told Brown “You can hear the chants from the crowd — let’s go Brandon!” Anyone watching knew that was not what the crowd was saying. Suddenly a meme was born. Instead of “F— Joe Biden” crowds at sporting events began chanting “Let’s go Brandon!” instead. The phrase has been emblazoned on T-shirts, highway billboards and banners flown behind planes over football stadiums.
Count me among those in favor of the new chant.
First, it replaces a vulgar epithet with a sarcastic commentary on Biden’s disastrous presidency. The focus shifts from insulting Biden the person, to well justified mockery of Biden’s catastrophic actions in office. Worst inflation in 30 years? Let’s go Brandon! Gas prices up $1.31 a gallon since his election? Let’s go Brandon! Home heating prices skyrocketing? Let’s go Brandon! Self-inflicted crisis at the southern border? Let’s go Brandon! Left hundreds of Americans behind in Afghanistan? Let’s go Brandon! Can’t find a Thanksgiving turkey or the Christmas gifts your kids want because store shelves are bare? Let’s go Brandon! Approval rating dropped to 36 percent? Let’s go Brandon!
Second, the new chant literally arose from “fake news” — a reporter misreporting what an anti-Biden crowd was saying. The moment encapsulated everything that many conservatives find wrong with the president’s media enablers, who they believe lie about them to cover for him. “Let’s go Brandon!” mocks not just Biden, but pro-Biden media bias.
Third, it’s funny. People are using it in hilarious ways. In Virginia, someone broke into the control cabinets for two electronic road signs and changed the messaging to read “Let’s go Brandon!” When Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis held a signing ceremony for a legislation barring vaccine mandates in his state, he held it in Brandon, Fla… In Brandon, Minn., someone put the words “Let’s go” in front of six signs welcoming visitors to the city.
For those outraged by it, ask yourself: Is “Let’s go Brandon!” really worse than the chants of “Not my president!” that greeted Donald Trump on his election? And let’s not forget that Trump opponents did not hesitate to use vulgarity to express their disgust with him. At the 2018 Tony Awards, Robert De Niro got a standing ovation when he yelled “F— Trump!” from the Broadway stage. And after Trump lost to Biden in 2020, “FDT” (“F— Donald Trump”) by rappers YG and Nipsey Hussle became the No. 1 song on iTunes. A raucous crowd of Biden supporters playing the song and holding “F— Trump” signs even made it onto a CNN broadcast. The network did not bother to come up with a euphemism.
Marc’s a Fun Gi
Echhhhkkk… I’d rather not.
Less obfuscated perhaps but TRUCK FUMP
I always translate that for the folks who say it in my presence. “Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.”