‘Let’s Go Brandon’ And The Linguistic Jiujitsu Of American Politics | Talking Points Memo



“The deliberate misinterpretation of the crowd’s chant was a deft bit of verbal legerdemain on Stavast’s part. Although she hasn’t publicly explained herself, it seems likely that she was defusing the obscene, politically charged epithet so as not to offend her network’s sponsors and viewers.”

And that – right there – is the problem.

I am so sick and tired of those with the professional – and Constitutional! – duty to inform deliberately obscuring proto-Nazi obscenity, violence, and insanity, so as not to offend the precious sponsor or viewer, because we wouldn’t want to introduce even the slightest bit of reality into their anesthetized teevee cocoon of idiocy.

Screw covering up a clear and present danger to every man, woman, and child in America, and screw the selfish enablers who self-censor for personal and financial gain.

This. Is. Not. Normal.


I read that this AM and it’s all stupid. Marc is trying to stay relevant, but his usual style is out of style.


I contend that it’s there way of getting back at those on the left. Mostly because we didn’t fall down at the feet of Trump, or seeing his wisdom of the Muslim ban, or separating kids from their parents at the border.
I know I’m biased but I don’t think we attacked Trump without reason. We went after his policy, we went after his inability to understand the job that he was elected to do, andwe went after his crudeness and crass remarks. We didn’t bring up his mighty Dotardness his best bud Kim Jung-un did.


Please tell the class when Marc Thiessen was ever relevant.


He was relevant to the lives of lots of innocent Iraqi’s who got tortured by the US Army for his entertainment and George Bush’s.

Try again.
And try to get a bit closer to the subject at hand next time.

Really enlightening read … more like this, please!!

Yeah, right, LOL, cut n’ paste journalism at TPM. TPM should be compensating the posters here, who represent 95% of its value.


Did you mention that the Trump campaign is actively selling “Let’s Go Brandon” t-shirts?

And that’s all they got and ain’t gonna get 'em in the WH. Raking leaves in Fall on the WH lawn clean up crew is as close to the WH as they’ll ever get. And fuck all the “Brandon” football students.


I wish there was a way for these troglodytes to crawl out from under their rocks without endangering others. Glad they’re being identified and prosecuted for their terminal stupidity though.


Idiot wingnut WaPo columnist and torture apologist Marc Thiessen actually wrote a column about how clever he thinks the expression is.


He was relevant, but not right, when the right still held a relevant position in our two party system.

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Speaking of the comments section.

Here is a link to the column where Marc was very concerned about civility:



‘Let’s Go Brandon’ And The Linguistic Jiujitsu Of American Politics

Jujitsu . . . ? No, just plain, old-fashioned, gob-smacked stupidity & ignorance. Typical GQP.

Absolutely agree, @teenlaqueefa, it’s an apt analogy–even the post’s title references ‘jiujitsu’. A couple of other examples that came to my mind are Unitarian (as distinguished from Trinitarians) and, IIRC, Christian!

I think I’ll be explicit: Fuck tRump and the rest of the GOPee.


Is there ANY known example of a republican being funny? “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran” seems to be the best I know of (and it’s not funny).


I don’t think Joe would use a kid this way, but if Jill adopted a cat I have a name to suggest…


Dennis Miller but that is a stretch right ?

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I do like learning the phrase “minced oath” this Thanksgiving-that-Rump-is-out Eve Now what would be the filling of a Minced Oath Pie?

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