Lawsuit Exposes Inner Workings Of Stew Peters’ Extremist Media Empire

and the far left feminists ran with it, convincing millions that it was a much bigger problem than it was because it served their agenda.

It was and is a big problem. How big I don’t know but I know women who have had to constantly chase after money even when court-ordered alimony and child support were agreed by both spouses. Women had always been at the mercy of the male-dominated world/court system. It is harder today of course for the man/father/provider to just walk away and dismiss his responsibilities. The collateral damage is the real problem, much like PTSD from gun violence and or the threat of violence in schools. It’s a constant and no way to live, much like a woman alone with a couple of kids being always under financial stress.

And I don’t see any “agenda” being served. All I see is a family unit potentially falling into poverty, creating dysfunctional kids and a family unit in constant crisis b/c Daddy’s mad, needs to get even and can too often get away with not paying, or paying what and when he can.

Dealing with this asshole Peters doesn’t compare. He’s the loud little dog nipping at our cuffs. The Media will say he’s a real threat but they’re in the business of faking it as long as they can. He may change minds but they’re usually the non-productive minds playing the victim. I wonder sometimes if they even vote.

“Dr” Seb Gorka fits. Would you put Newtie G in that bin as well? (Definitely a failed intellectual, not sure if he’s quite as fascist as John Eastman, as opposed to garden-variety asshole)

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“We even had dinner the other day …”

Congrats to you, Dad! No small accomplishment indeed. Utopian task IMO considering the possibility of a “FU, NO FU” conversation/food fight breaking out at anytime over the years.

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It IS what you said. But you clearly intended to say something different - because you left out the part about who is forcing that role onto women.

“The idea that religion or small men or far right fascists want to subjugate women exclusively into the role of homemaker and caregiver…” would have been more accurate and is clearly what you meant. I was reacting to the words you used, despite knowing what you meant. We can only read what you’ve written, not your mind.

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The big problem in the eternal battle between men and women with children who go their separate ways is the simple fact that running two households is always more expensive than running one. Many, some divorce attorneys say nearly all, dissolutions are at base disputes over money. If the couple wasn’t making enough money in the first place what makes you think a dissolution will solve anything. So we get moms always asking for more and dads who are always saying the “bitch is just after my money.” In the middle we have growning kids who need food, clothing and the same stuff as everybody else…

Both sides want to assign blame but neither of them is willing to recognize that their real problem is two households are more expensive than one. There is never enough money in a dissolution.


How about an article with 5 takeaways from this story?

For those of us without time to follow all the drilling down.

Thank you.

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Seems to me that there was a significant financial windfall the gentleman broke the law to hide.

Interesting that these folks want women to live with all their choices but men can walk away.

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It is what defines a deadbeat dad.

On the other hand guys like Butker can’t recognize that more often than not in our society both spouses have to work to make enough to keep them and their kids housed, fed and clothed. That is one thing I found interesting about a millionaire professional athlete mansplaining to young women graduates who he thinks are dreaming of being like his wife, free from any need to work outside the home.


Asking a divorce attorney what the problem is in divorces is like asking the rapist what his victim was wearing. The collusion of inept clowns running woefully underfunded family courts and divorce lawyers who bleed clients dry and you have a system that exists solely to enrich a few at the expense of the many. I’ll give you an example. The morons who set up this system have a guide - that the “marital lifestyle” must be maintained after a divorce. Doesn’t matter at all how that marital lifestyle was funded, it must be maintained. So let’s say your wife is a compulsive spender and has driven you to the point of bankruptcy running up six figures in credit card debt. You think, I need to get out of this. I want a divorce. That’s not going to fix your problem because now you have to keep that charade going and maintain that same “lifestyle.” So now in addition to your wife overspending you into the poorhouse, the court system is now legally requiring you to do so at the risk of losing everything you still have and ending up in prison. This is what passes for deep thought on the part of our legal system.

Divorce attorneys don’t create their clients or their reality. How that is comparable to a rapist who chooses their victims is beyond my understanding.

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Let’s choose to be happy this sunny Monday morning and focus on Trump’s ‘Mimi moment’ (my grandmother’s dementia) experience this past Saturday or Sunday, a ‘McConnell moment’ you could also call it, Lardass standing silent in front of an NRA crowd for 60 seconds. Can’t find it now. Let’s hope for more of these. I believe dementia will get him before November. It will be at a rally and he’ll have to be walked off the stage.

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I know that you are bitter about something that happened in your life. I feel sorry for you and your ex wife. Mostly I feel sorry for your kids. Divorce attorneys don’t cause divorces. They make sure both sides are heard by a judge. It is a thankless task.


Until they get it.

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Wow! Some issues there that probably need some attention.

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You really haven’t the foggiest idea how analogies work, do you?

No, I read yours.


You know what the nuns used to say to us kids when we were blathering? If you have nothing to say, say nothing.

Sorry, maybe one day you’ll fall ass backwards into something approaching intelligence. But I won’t hold my breath.

He’s not convicted yet. I’ll save my celebrations for the day the motherfucker is either locked up or dead. Until then, he’s a hero to 70M fascist morons.

Forgive me, but you have issues that can’t be solved on social media. Gleaning what I can from your posts you discovered your ex had a problem with money. You decided the only way you could solve the problem was to run away. So you did. You filed for a dissolution and discovered that, because you have kids with her, you couldn’t just walk away and leave her to fend for herself. The law just won’t let you do that.

While we have no fault dissolution in this country, as long as you have minor kids together, nobody gets to walk away. You are stuck with her, at least until the kids grow up but probably for the rest of your life. It may not mean what it once did but the vow “until death do you part” still has some teeth.

Don’t blame others for your problems. Try accepting some responsiblity. It won’t make you feel better but at least you will be able to do something positive. Leave the rest of us alone.