Lawsuit Exposes Inner Workings Of Stew Peters’ Extremist Media Empire

A dispute raging inside the “Stew Peters Network” ended up in a federal court in Florida last month. The ongoing case has exposed drama between a group of far right media personalities, complete with alleged text messages and emails that show the inner workings of a company that has peddled conspiracy theories, anti-gay hate speech, racism, and antisemitism, while still maintaining connections with more mainstream Republicans. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Take a moment to learn about Tombili, an internet-famous street cat in Turkey, who had a statue built in his honor after he passed.


The ongoing case has exposed drama between a group of far right media personalities, complete with alleged text messages and emails that show the inner workings of a company that has peddled conspiracy theories, anti-gay hate speech, racism, and antisemitism, while still maintaining connections with more mainstream Republicans.

Assholes gonna ass.


Well that’s quite a story, Hunter Walker.

How do we know you’re not making it u… sorry. I’ve been watching the Trump trial all week. Thanks for all the detail.

"creating “Weimar conditions” … must be met with Weimar solutions.”

Wasn’t the Weimar Republic a constitutional republic like we have now? So, are they demanding the right to vote? It’s telling how these guys always deal in broad “brand” labels and generalizations, and rarely in specific proposals… like a border policy.


As is the case with all other words which conservatives view negatively, “Weimar” is used here as simple shorthand for “thing I don’t like.” There is no deeper meaning.


I don’t know exactly how to characterize Stew Peters and its hangers on, social media influencers and grifters. I have to ask where they would be without an army of bots to pump their viewership?

In what I think might be a related story I took my Hawkin 50 caliber muzzleloader to the range today. I was the only one shooting anything that wasn’t some sort of AR derivative. The entire line was composed of rough looking white people who didn’t seem to be far from a meth pipe. Frankly they made me nervous.

Sorry but that just slipped out.

Notice these guys are all suing each other. At the bottom of much of it is one guy’s refusal to pay his estranged spouse anything. I wonder how many kids they have and just how many of them are deadbeat dads? Is that what’s at the bottom of the MAGA movement, the old deadbeat dad movement that didn’t want to pay maintenance for the kids?


Now if we could just get the circle big and wide enough to snare all the loco RWNJs in one massive law suit, or a bunch of individual law suits. Divide and conquer may win in the long run.


Did someone just write …

A lot of drama in their lives?


Media empire, or collection of born rich second raters on a raft of excuses why they’re the misbegotten. And haircuts.


Methinks the Weimar is what they want…

Clearly, flesh eating worms in the brain are a bigger problem than we thought.


It mixed jump cuts and archival footage — including images of 9/11, the moon landing, and bigfoot — along with interviews and easily contradicted claims to argue the vaccines are part of a population control plot engineered by the “global elite.”

documentary “These Little Ones,” which focused on a narrative about “[elite pedophilia]

originating a conspiracy theory that COVID was caused by snake venom in drinking water.

suggest world leaders and scientists are involved in a Satanic plot

Dr. Seuss parody titled “How The Rabbi Robbed Christmas by, Dr. Suss.” The story, complete with antisemitic caricatures, was the tale of a rabbi who doesn’t like Christmas, in part because it hurt “his wallet.”

“Even the Jews down in Jewville liked Christmas a lot, but the rabbi who lived just north of Jewville did not,” a narrator said.

Show me a world without social media where this guy becomes a multi-millionaire.

I look forward to everything Hunter Walker writes - but Jesus, these people are just so awful it is painful.


Also, “a time and place in history when thugs in brown shirts got to smash stuff, beat up their political opponents, terrorize society at large, and have really cool torchlight parades”. They’re hankering for the good old days, don’cha know.


Here’s a pitch for Mr. Peters: The Opportunists: Mini-series about 3rd Tier grifters.
The Players:
Stew Peters: “Peters grew up in Minnesota. Initially, Peters thought he would become a Police_officer or an Entertainer during high school.”
Lauren Witzke: “Witzke was born in Delmar, Delaware She attended Goldey–Beacom College, where she earned a [BBA] in business management. At Goldey–Beacom, she played softball as a catcher and shortstop, and volleyball initially as a setter and then defensive specialist.”
Edward Szall: Went to U.S. Army Armor School and currently works for Tru News.

Series follows the fortunes of three under-achievers who take their best shot at the brass ring by trying to cash in on fascism. Pooling their resources they make a movie: “Stirring the Pot.” Surprisingly it hits big in the sticks with hicks. But then it’s Hi Jinks galore when the three try to split the loot. Rated: Slightly nauseating. With an introduction by Dr. Frank Baxter who will explain rank ambition and its pitfalls.


Douchebag: Exhibit A
A total asshole. No redeeming social value.


It seems they understand only rule by force, and they’re excited for it to happen. And uniforms. Don’t forget the matching costumery. I always wonder about their childhoods.


I would give you a 100 likes if I could just for mentioning Dr. Frank Baxter.


But not the Armor School you’re all thinking of, where people learn how to handle modern armored fighting vehicles on a complex integrated battlefield, oh no. This is the school for the special ones, the ones with a negative score on the ASVAB, to teach them how to be armor.

“Well, you’re not swift enough to be reactive armor, and too simple-minded to be composite armor, so we’ve put you in the rolled homogeneous class.”


Dr. Frank at his lowest ebb: Introducing the grade z horror film: “The Mole People.”


I suspect what he means is that the Weimar Republic failed quickly and catastrophically, which led to his hero Hitler becoming leader.