Lawsuit Exposes Inner Workings Of Stew Peters’ Extremist Media Empire

Awesome reporting!


While I agree with you about these toxic losers who refuse to own up to their responsibilities, the continued belief in “deadbeat dads” is so wrong and does so much damage to good and decent men your hair would curl if you knew what I know. How’s about we not paint all men as “deadbeat dads” or promote the ridiculous concept of “the old deadbeat dad movement.” Because if we do it gets real easy to simply assume all women are gold diggers who loan out their bodies for a year or so in exchange for a giant payday. So before we smear good and decent men with the crimes of a handful of assholes, how about we first think of the damage that smear does to everyone.


And just like every single other thing they’ve gotten wrong in their lives, it won’t go the way their masturbation fantasy does. They will get their asses handed to them in a way that will make these bitches cry for mommy in five minutes. They’ve clearly bought the far right lie that we’re all soft, faggoty latte sipping Volvo swishes. Well, first off, I know a lot of gay men I wouldn’t want to piss off, and liberals know how to shoot too. These pathetic man-children are in for the surprise of their worthless lives.


The “Weimar” language specifically refers to bringing into being a reign of fascism to implement “final solutions” for those individuals and communities they find troublesome. As a gay man who knows history it is the very first thing that came to mind, like a club to the face in its obviousness.

It is developments like this that keep me up at night. These are the propaganda machines that destroy nations. Glad to see them fighting among themselves, but they still have millions of cultists climbing aboard for the hate.

PS - Fun fact - Apparently the term “Weimer Republic” wasn’t even a thing at the time. It was just Germany … you know, a country … until Hitler and his gang started using the term to decry the government that existed before their vaulted third reich arrived like the calvary. So the Nazis themselves, as part of their propaganda, created the language we now use to describe Germany between WWI and the rise of Nazism.


Thorough and excellent reporting, Mr. Walker!

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Au contraire. The Weimar solution was to put Hitler in power. And thaat’s what these people want – a fascist dictatorship.


@Paracelsus @progress

Yes. I know history. I was making a somewhat tongue-in-cheek statement about the Right’s Orwellian use of language. See, e.g., Socialism, Woke.

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This piece somewhat extends and reinforces Rick Perlstein’s thesis that ever since the Goldwater campaign, the conservative movement is mainly about grifting money from the dumbheads who used to be easy marks at county fairs and carnivals.

This guy’s background was a series of marginal gigs at which he was unsuccessful before he stumbled on the sure-fire moneymaking formula: give the rubes the political hatred and paranoia that they crave. There are a lot of so-called “thought leaders” on the Right who are like that: George Santos was a check forger and off-and-on drag queen before he lurched into politics, the biggest grift of all.

A category that sometimes overlaps this is the failed intellectual, a group that Hannah Arendt said was an essential part of totalitarian movements. John Eastman and Peter Navarro come to mind as would-be Nietzsches. Dick Armey was a professor of economics at some godforsaken cow college; Ron Paul always insisted on being called “Dr. Paul.” And so on. Hillsdale College as an institution is dedicated to relieving students of their money while pumping them full of right-wing snake oil (they must be making money like crazy; Hillsdale’s advertising is all over the place).


As a now-elderly white male with wife and offspring, I am sufficiently secure in my identity not to get an anxiety attack by the mention of deadbeat dads. I’ve seen enough of them in my day to know they are a social problem. For decades many of them got away with it because of endemic sexism and the fact that cops and judges were men.

The irony, of course, is all the Republican bullshit about intact families as the moral bedrock of Western civilization and the man’s indispensable role as protector. In fact, the redder the state, the more broken families, out-of-wedlock births, and similar phenomena there are.


How in the world did I miss this COVID conspiracy;

They also produced two movies under the “Watch The Water” banner that were credited with originating a conspiracy theory that COVID was caused by snake venom in drinking

Where would you even get that much snake venom? Oooh, maybe someone snuck into the snake handling church and milked them!!


Wasn’t meaning to imply you didn’t … sorry if my comment read that way.

Was coming from my own jarring mental state whenever I see remarks like those in the article that look like ones destined to turn up in a history book someday, long after the 2028 civil war recedes.

It’s all good. :slight_smile:

We certainly live in interesting times.

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Kinda interesting that a company that fleeces goldbugs (erm, helps clients invest in gold) should find it so highly profitable to sponsor evil nutbars like this. I guess that after a few months of listening to right-wing rants it’s absolutely obvious that the end times are coming and only a metal used in jewelry and high-end electronics will have any value. (Because both of those enterprises will be going full steam when society collapses.)

It would be sad to learn that much of the “Let’s Burn it Down” was actually generated by the sponsors/advertisers looking for a steady stream of marks.

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I was a small town lawyer for a long time. @john_adams I can tell you deadbeat dads are a real thing. There are a lot of them. I am not completely unsympathetic with the problems they face. I once had to pay child support and know what that struggle is like, but I did it. As a result I am happily part of my son’s extended family. My ex and I aren’t still feuding 30 years later. We even had dinner the other day with our son and his wife, my daughter, the grandkids, assembled boyfriends and girlfriends, and our current spouses. It can be done. Paying your damn child support is the first step to the future.

I have been thinking about the women’s rights issues raised by Harrison Butker. The idea that young women are exclusively assigned to the role of homemaker and caregiver is simply wrong and in a real way connected to the deadbeat dad issue. It seems to me he has it backwards. It should be expected that both young men and women will have careers outside the home…

Instead of only focusing on women as childrearers and caregivers, he should be focusing on the need to teach both young men and young women the same skills and expecting young fathers and mothers to lift full shares of the load. If they elect to have children society should equip and expect both to being successful fathers and mothers…


Before today Stew Peters was just another name in the phone book to me.


Ghoulie Giuliani celebrated his 80th birthday by being served with a summons to answer to yet another indictment, this time for interfering in Arizona’s 2020 election.

As his lip-locked buddy would say, “So much winning.”

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I’m calling bullshit on this. I mean, are these the kind of guys you hang with? Or are you inventing a line of bullshit and claiming that you’re some kind of bounty hunter of deadbeat dads. Turns out the concept started off in the 1970s as a way to inspire legislators to enact laws to make men responsible, and the far left feminists ran with it, convincing millions that it was a much bigger problem than it was because it served their agenda. Now before you shit yourself and start belching that I’m letting bad men off the hook, I am most certainly not. There are shitty fathers out there. But there is also a lot of bullshit out there too, bullshit in the service of an agenda. You either accept this, or you’re full of shit.

No, sorry. Young women are NOT exclusively assigned to the role of homemaker and caregiver. You’re stirring a whole lot of shit together and coming up with a shit stew.

Try reading it again. This time look for what I was saying and not what you wanted to respond to. I did not say that women should be or actually are assigned the exclusive role of homemaker and caregiver. That is, however, the role assigned to women by Harrison Butker and male conservative Christian leaders. It is also the role assigned to them by deadbeat dads everywhere.

I am suggesting that society is ill served by a division of labor that lets men run free killing buffalo and impregnating women in distant tribes (or in today’s parlance lets men slip out of their parental responsiblities becoming deadbeats…) If we want women to have careers (and any thinking person does) we have to insist that men become equal caregivers and homemakers.

Of course you are letting bad men off the hook. The bullshit you are calling is in service of your own agenda which is to let bad men off the hook.

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