Largest US LGBTQ Advocacy Group Issues Travel Advisory For Florida As DeSantis Readies 2024 Bid

The Human Rights Campaign — the largest LGBTQ+ advocacy group in the country — joined several other civil rights organizations Tuesday and issued a travel advisory for Florida, warning that newly passed state laws may pose risks to minorities, immigrants and the LGBTQ+ community.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

“The organization did not call for a boycott or a blanket recommendation against travel…”

Call us when you are going to put some teeth into your outrage. Until then you’re just pissing in the wind.


I wish that travel advisories worked the other way. I wish that Floridians had to stay in Florida.


Applies to all who are denied basic human rights!

“What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July?

I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciation of tyrants, brass-fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy-a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages.” ― Frederick Douglass


“We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist.” ― James Baldwin


Good luck with that. Here’s the skinny:

Of the top most visited places IN THE WORLD…we have:

44: Universal Studios, Florida
33: Islands of Adventure, Universal Orlando
23: Disney’s Hollywood Studios
22: Disney’s Animal Kingdom, Florida
17 Epcot, Florida I was there last week.
8 Disneyworld’s Magic Kingdom, Orlando

To compare: Eiffel Tower: #38, Sydney Opera House: # 31, Great Wall of China: # 28

More world tourist locations in Florida than anywhere else in the world and they see what’s going down with Ronnie.


Puddin’ Cup’s war on woke is performative garbage. If you want to go to Florida, it’s fine. Second bluest red state in the nation. Although I could easily recommend some Texas itineraries that you’d find much better than getting your bank account jacked for the privilege of waiting in line at Disney.


San Antonio for the FOOD and the Alamo if you wish. Corpus for beach fun in the sun, Austin for culture in general and Dallas for shopping and haute restaurants,


You correctly skipped Houston. The Alamo is iconic, but much better is using it as a launching point for biking the Mission Trail. And if you’re going to include Dallas – which you should – reserve a day for Fort Worth. The Kimbell undoubtedly has some spectacular exhibit going on.

ETA: And then it will take another entire trip to explore the desolate beauty of West Texas. Take a side trip to New Mexico. Skip Amarillo and Lubbock, but definitely hit El Paso. The hike up Guadalupe Peak is highly recommended.


Texas itineries: Since I don’t post photos y’all will have to take my word for it. At the forefront of Texas attractions is our new baby granddaughter, now a month old and utterly charming!


May she have no memories of When Texas Was Red.


I did the Huston / Galveston thing once. Nothing there to bring me back. May fave in Texas is Brownsville…thought about living there.

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Mrs. Awiztherewas and I were in Ft. Lauderdale a few weeks ago for a long weekend. Stayed on the beach. It was fine.


If you have to live near the coast and cheap pharmaceuticals, Brownsville is not a bad choice. Also real barbacoa and citrus and fresh Gulf shrimp and great weather and now I’m talking myself into it.


TALLAHASSEE (The Borowitz Report)—Ron DeSantis is hoping to seem like a normal person by appearing next to Elon Musk, the Governor’s campaign has confirmed.

“Throughout the past few months, with his attacks on Disney, migrants, and books, Ron has, unfortunately, given the impression that he is bizarre,” one aide said. “And the white boots didn’t help, either.”

The aide said that, once voters compare DeSantis to the Twitter chief, “there’s at least a chance that Ron will seem somewhat normal.”

According to the aide, the campaign decided to pair DeSantis with Musk after considering a shortlist of other foils, including Mickey Rourke, Dennis Rodman, and Ginni Thomas.

In an official statement about his joint appearance with DeSantis, Musk said that he was “thrilled” that he had finally convinced someone to come into the office.


The Animatronic LBJ!


McDonald Observatory


It’s also blessedly air conditioned. Which is why the battle for it was so important.


In the spring, when it’s covered in ladybugs.


From El Paso, White Sands National Monument is a doable day trip. Truth or Consequences has hot spring spas and Elephant Butte Lake, which has water in it this year. On the west side of Las Cruces, Old Mesilla has shops and restaurants.


Carlsbad Caverns. Sign up in advance for the guided flashlight tours of the unlit caves. Stay for the bats.

Or, better yet, make your way down to Big Bend.