Kinzinger Knocks GOP Calls To ‘Harden’ Schools After Texas Shooting

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) on Sunday dismissed his fellow congressional Republicans’ talking points in the wake of the tragic elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas that left 19 students and two teachers dead.

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Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


I do wish he’d change his mind about running again. I understand his reasons, but there is such a thing as going down fighting even when you know the odds are long.


Pity he’s not running to get re-elected.


Of course he changed his mind because just like every other capitalist he wants to maximize his profits!


If you could hypnotize a random Republican politician, and convinced them that they had decided not to run for office again, they would start saying sane things, too.


There was a time during the mob wars when the NRA supported a ban of “machine gun style” weapons, not seeing any conflict with the blessed 2nd Amendment.

It wasn’t until hardline militants overthrew NRA leadership in the late 70s that insidious gun fetishists took root, metastasizing to become the death cult we see today.


Once again all Republicans must be called out by the MSM, Cable News, News Mags and papers, all Dems in Congress, State and Federal.
Challenged to appear in front of cameras, live, to defend their Trump sucking cowardly ways.
If not give up our Country to Trump.
It is well past time for the Dems to kick ass and take names.


For years anti-abortion militants used posters with faked pictures of aborted fetuses for their shock value. Disgusting but I suspect it’s been super effective. As horrible as this may sound, I think the greater good may be served by gun control advocates carrying NOT-faked pictures of the unrecognizable bodies of AR 15 victims. I’m really conflicted about this but what else is left, to light a fire under legislators?


Kinzinger took aim at GOP talking points in the wake of the shooting. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) shifted the blame to mental health rather than the state’s lax gun laws

Somehow the person that signs 5-6 pieces of loosing gun regulations in his state has the gall to complain about mental health is a fucking liar. Abbott could have insisted that the legislature allocate more money for mental health, in how many days of legislating since he’s been governor? It’s a cop out, and I’m tired playing whack-a-mole with their excusses.


Something I don’t hear discussed enough is what going to school in a constant state of fear is doing to children. How did active shooter drills supplant the fire drills of yore? The idiots who want to “harden” schools are adding to the siege mentality that children need to be protected from an armed enemy. THEY are the fucking enemy! Let’s see where these 2A fetishists send their kids to school. The scenarios that they come up with to essentially turn our schools into maximum security prisons are fine for other people’s kids. It beggars belief that this is what they want for their own kids. Being, basically, a cult of sociopaths, let’s see if their children are going to the academic fortresses that they want to inflict on America’s children.

Their absolutist position on guns will soon have all of us living (or trying to live) in a country overrun by snipers.


Well back then gun purchases were declining, and with declining profits that meant declining donations to the NRA. The NRA leadership must get down on their knees every night and than the video game designers for coming up with first person shooting games.


Republicans when advocating torture in 2002: “the Constitution is not a suicide pact.”
Republicans in response to AR 15 mass shootings 2022: “the 2nd Amendment is absolute and there is nothing that can be done about it.” So I guess the Constitution IS a suicide pact then.


The Second Amendment needs to be amended. A free State cannot be defended with Arms alone. You need tanks, grenades, surface to air missles, fighter jets, submarines, drones, and a lot more. It seems unreasonable to expect people to have these things on hand when they are drafted to defend the State. It would be a lot more efficient for the State to provide these to draftees when the need arises, it seems to me.


Perhaps someone should ask Gov. Abbott to tell us which militia the Uvalde school shooter belonged to.


I too am conflicted about this, thanks for bringing it up. It would have to be with the consent of the parents, of course. Aside from the forced-pregnancy people using fake pics, there is a historical precedent: during Vietnam, TV news started showing footage of mangled, dead GIs, as well as flag-draped coffins coming off of cargo planes, and I believe this was helpful in turning public opinion against the war. In subsequent wars, the so-called liberal media has conspired with the government to sensor those types of images. I think this may be the way to go.


Not sure if it needs to be amended as much as re-interpreted to mean what the Founders meant. A non-hack SCOTUS could neutralize the second amendment. The so-called Originalists of convenience seem to have blind spots when it comes to guns, privacy, voting rights…


Last night I watched this documentary. It’s on for free on a government TV site in Canada. I’d post it but I’m not sure you could see it from the States. If you haven’t seen it, try to. It’s a reminder of how a President can be.


Even if single door schools were the answer, how many billions of dollars and years of constructions would it take to make that happen. Very few, if any, current schools have a single door so they would all have to be torn down and rebuilt. What if there is a fire, how to possibly thousands of children get out of a single door? Ted Cruz is the village idiot of all time.


The GOP’s Education Plan:

“Supermax High class of 2024, sir. We were ‘The Fighting Yardbirds’.”