Key Dem Senators Call For Probe Into Allegations That Egypt Funneled $10M To Trump For 2016 Campaign 

Originally published at: Key Dem Senators Call For Probe Into Allegations That Egypt Funneled $10M To Trump For 2016 Campaign

Democratic senators on two relevant committees are calling for their panels to investigate allegations last month in the Washington Post about a now-closed government probe into whether Egypt funneled $10 million to Donald Trump during his 2016 campaign for president. It’s been more than a month since the Post report was published, but so far…


This is so on point for TFC.


It will go nowhere.


The democrats just now figured out Egypt funneled $10 million to trump?

4 years late


Sounds like the evidence to prove where $10 million IN CASH actually went is tenuous. Certainly should be investigated by Congress so that whatever there is comes to light. Inconvenient that there are seven weeks to a presidential election, but election finance fraud can take a while to surface, and the effort should still be made.


There is no such thing as campaign money for Trump.
It’s called pocket money for Trump.


So they’ve got a $10 million expenditure by trump and a nearly $10 million cash withdrawal by Egypt, but nothing showing any comparable sum going back to trump. That’s not to say it didn’t happen, but it’s been eight years and there’s still nothing to connect the suspected bribe.


Took nearly 250 years to go from a leader that could not tell a lie to a leader that could not tell the truth.

America, turned inside out by…unlimited money.


Well, nothing publicly known, anyway. Even given how corrupt he is, I’m not going to assume he did anything here, so I’m happy to consider any reasonable explanation the Trump campaign has for the questions. However, ridiculous answers will not help to exonerate him in my mind.


My point is that no explanation is even required at this point, at least not by trump. There is nothing indicating he received an offsetting $10 million. he can, and will, just deny it. They need records of the money coming into one or more of his accounts, and they don’t have any such records. Without records (or witnesses), it’s just innuendo.


So, running for the highest office again and Still No Tax Returns??

Lock the WH front doors and do not let him in until he can show he pays taxes.


Sure, but the investigation would attempt to gain access to any records that exist. But if you’re saying you don’t think they even have enough to investigate, then sure, we should move on.

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Tick-tock, you orange motherfucker.

(and, pace @txlawyer: I’m not saying they can investigate at this time, or that it’s more than “just innuendo”–though c’mon, this is Donnie we’re talking about–but to quote a very, very savvy political operator, “Let’s make the bastard deny it”)


Mueller came up dry. No reason to think Senate Oversight would fare any better, and it’s now been eight years that have passed instead of just one or two.


Didn’t SCOTUS say if you’re paid after the action, it isn’t a bribe. That it’s more like a tip for job well done? Yes, I know even Stretch Armstrong would have a problem reaching around that one. But John Roberts?


Not quite. They said it wasn’t a violation of the bribery statute because the defendant didn’t ask for anything until after he did them the favor. The allegation against trump is that he asked for the money from Egypt and was told he would get it, then he transferred the $10 million of his own money to the campaign. So the alleged agreement came before whatever official acts he might have done to benefit Egypt (and there’s nothing at all on that essential element of the crime either).

If they actually could trace the $10 million from Egypt to trump, they probably have a better tax fraud case than bribery, thanks to all of SCOTUS’s fuckery on the bribery statutes.


GOP = Grift Off Plebeians


The story only dropped 6 weeks ago…

And our guys and gals cant be bothered to investigate actual corruption.

Meanwhile, Republicans hollar about nothing and everything

Dem leadership confused about where/how/when they lost the narrative should take a page from Biden and plan their succession.


More like eight years late.


One reason Trump won’t reveal his taxes is that it would undermine his standing and negotiating power among his secret alliance of despots. We have no idea what lies and bullshit he tells them. We just know he’s kissing up to them, and they reciprocate because they think he can succeed in destroying the United States.

Probably he is doing a lot of robbing-Peter-to-pay-Paul, lying about his finances, his entanglements, his fluidity, the promises he’s already made, and the pay-offs he’s already received. He has probably sold 9000% of America’s corpse to the world’s worst tyrants.

If his taxes became public, it would weaken him in the eyes of his evil allies, and that would neutralize a lot of his strength: the illegal help he gets from foreign states.

Everybody’s taking a shot at his head, but nobody is taking a shot at his pocketbook or the lies he draws strength from. Assassination will not save us, but character-assassination could (and is actually legal!).