Holy smokes!
The Christian religion is a big, big business. Quite profitable, too. We do live in a capitalist society, after all. In God we trust.
Yeah and they raise a lot of money through the TV set - just ask the 700 Club about that.
You don’t have to be there in person to give your money away to a billionaire preacher- they make it easy.
We re-estimated mortality rates by dividing the number of deaths on a given day by the number of patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection 14 days before.
Makes perfect sense. Thanks for the link!
You are very welcome…
The Lancet guys beat me by ~2 weeks,
Gov Kelly may succeed. The KS supreme court, made up of mostly Republicans albeit appointed during a moderate Gov admn, threw out KS abortion law not long ago.
Keep an eye on this Gov. She has courage and does not pull back like too many Dems.
Oh, there’s no such thing as too Inside Baseball here . . . and there are always more Kansans here lurking than you know. We really need the sanity of this place to hide out!
As I’ve said in this forum a couple of times since Kelly issued her first emergency declarations a month ago, I think we can count ourselves extremely fortunate that Kobach lost against her in the governor’s race in '18.
She will. KSP is a very reasonable bunch. Not elected, either!
Kobach is going to lose again in his race for US Senate, too.
You’re misreading what’s happening–and you don’t appear to know the KS Supreme Court.
It was the Legislative Coordinating Council, which is overseeing Kelly’s emergency powers, that is ordering that churches be exempted from the restrictions on gatherings of ten or more; Kelly’s arguing that under state statute, only the full legislature (which isn’t in session at the moment) can rescind such orders.
The court will hear arguments tomorrow morning and make its ruling.
The KS Supreme Court has often gone against the wishes of GOPers here, and I suspect they will in this case tomorrow, too.
That’s the argument even the other Republican candidates are making against him–it seriously embarrassed them that he lost to Kelly, to the point that some in the party publicly told him he shouldn’t run in this race.
These people are fucking idiots. I like going to Easter service. And no fucking way would that make my list of top 20 essential activities right now. Or my top 50. Watch the sermon from home, throw $20 out the window as a gift to a random person and make yourself some bad coffee. Done.
I’ve had 2 of my findings in my job appealed in court, and each time the appeal made it to the KSC. Both times i won! Both cases established a frequently-cited precedent for the judgement of subsequent cases. Kansas Supremes are good, thoughtful, reasonable people. They agree with me!
Thanks. I needed that laugh.
He really should stop stealing his outfits from Rupaul’s Drag Race.
OK - fair enough … just looked it up - if I read it correctly - there are currently 6 Justices …
with 3 appointed by Kathleen Sebelius & one by Kelly …
… common sense has a fighting chance !
Well, they aren’t exactly “appointed” here. When vacancies occur, the state bar association appoints a committee of lawyers who draw up a list of people they think would be good justices, and the governor chooses from that list. They serve for a set number of years (sorry I don’t know the number of years), and in the November elections those judges whose terms are set to expire appear on the ballot and voters decide whether they should continue to serve. Usually, voters do, and so they get another term.
Brownback got really angry with the court because they kept finding against his administration on the question of funding for schools (Brownback made no secret of his loathing of public education and so kept underfunding schools; districts brought suit, and the court kept ruling in their favor). So, he proposed that, instead of the system I described above for selecting judges, the law be changed so the governor and not the state bar got to pick the committee who selects judges. The legislature shot down that idea.
common sense has a fighting chance !
Yes. In this case, yes it does.
In Massachusetts the estimate of nursing homes with corona virus is probably 100%
As the Latino bowler named Jesus said in The Big Lebowski - “nobody fucks with the Jesus”.