Kamala Harris Plans To Close With a Strong Anti-Fascism Message

Tapper is a tool who squeezed an orange this morning and now thinks he’s invented orange juice.


I admit to being a bit disappointed in Harris’s town hall last night. Along with several of the questioners, I would have liked to have heard more about about how she, specifically, plans to govern; instead, though, she often pivoted toward a “Trump is bad” theme. I understand that, but at least on occasion it ended up sounding like how Trump is talking about Harris: “Never mind what I might do–s/he’s worse.” I was especially unhappy with her response to the question about the war in Gaza and Lebanon: She clearly didn’t want to talk about that, and I don’t blame her; but I do think there was a way to say the Right Things without upsetting whatever Blinken is up to over there, rather than run away from it rhetorically.

It felt like she was playing with the intent not to lose–which, again, I understand, this election appearing to be as close as it is. But too much caution might not be a good thing.


Given how many videos there are of TCF doing or attempting to do exactly that to his daughter, I am not at all surprised that he would have done it to other women in private. And that Epstein was also involved is not surprising, either. Both men were into abusing and humiliating women and girls. Completely on brand.


The “daddy” bulls#it is nauseating. Just another shiny object they’re dangling in front of the electorate


Hobbes is the best cool cat out there!


In response to.

… the military on his domestic foes, including journalists.


Switching it up over the last few weeks, and going after TSF more.


The 2025 “replacement” David mentioned. It also ties in to the transition team.

Inside Trump World’s Prep for a Second Term

The former president’s team is avoiding anyone with ties to Project 2025

“We’re all wondering if it’s going to be 2016 all over again,” said a person working on Trump’s transition team. A spokesperson for the transition didn’t respond to a request for comment.
Top officials at the America First Policy Institute, which had competed with Project 2025 for influence and donor cash, are hoping things will be different this time. The chairwoman of the group’s board, former Small Business Administration chief Linda McMahon, is now a co-chair of Trump’s transition team, allowing her to tap the policy expertise AFPI has been quietly amassing for years. Several Republicans have described AFPI as the shadow transition operation, and McMahon has brought on AFPI staff to fill roles for the official transition. The group’s president, Brooke Rollins, a former Trump administration policy adviser, is widely seen as a leading contender for White House chief of staff if Trump wins the election.

Free link:



Better now than never.


This deceased Kentucky state senator is a singularly apt metaphor for what Republicans will do to the country:

A dead metaphor, as they used to say in English class.


That and the fact that it’s a girl-child, not a boy-child, he’ll be spanking. And not even his wife, who (in this world). has been at home taking care of the children.


I’m a happy subscriber to The Atlantic. They have a great article out this month in the print issue about George Washington and how he would be rolling in his grave over DJT’s desperate power grab.


This is deeply fucked up and needs to be fixed.


Yes–Daddy as Protector/Punisher. Not a First Among Equals as our Leader.

Thanks, Carlson, for infantilizing the American electorate and thus encouraging yet more fascistic rhetoric.


It is a big deal. Waukesha has long been considered a republican stronghold but dems have been making inroads.

A good article

Scott Walker, the Republican who won gubernatorial terms in 2010 and 2014 and survived a recall election in 2012, was the quintessential politician to win the approval of Waukesha County voters, consistently securing north of 70% in the county.

Waukesha remains Republican, but to a far lesser extent than it used to be, in a shift echoed in other affluent U.S. suburbs during the Trump era. Along with its suburban Milwaukee neighbors Ozaukee County and Washington County – collectively known as the WOW counties – Waukesha has experienced an incremental erosion of its Republican strength, which has often proved pivotal in a state with consistently close elections for president, Senate, governor and other statewide offices.


Did Bash ask them why? Ya know, for people like these, Kamala will never “close the deal” to their satisfaction.

She’d have to change parties, her sex or her skin color to do that. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


So the scheduled academic lecture on how militaries operate under fascist dictatorships gets cancelled in a manner that turns it into an object lesson on how militaries operate under fascist dictatorships.

We are in deep deep trouble.

They will obey and will not act to save us.


It’s ok for you not to like Jake Tapper, but he’s a good guy. I worked with him. He’s trustworthy and super smart…just the kind of honest journalist who is not, as many folks around here contend, extinct


I’m reading John Ganz’s “When the Clock Broke” right now, and he starts out his story of things going off the rails in the late '80s and early '90s with David Duke. Our esteemed Mr. Kurtz, a Louisiana native, probably remembers this all too well, but a little background: Duke, an actual KKKer who owned and occasionally wore an actual Nazi uniform, ran for Congress from a suburban New Orleans district and won. He followed that by running for governor in 1991, and in Louisiana’s open primary, finished a narrow second behind former governor Edwin Edwards and ahead of sitting officeholder Charles Roemer (who’d switched his party affiliation to GOP not long before).

What stands out to me is how the voters – and many movers/shakers – of Louisiana praised Duke: “He’s saying what I’m thinking,” “It’s [those people] who are the problem,” etc. It all sounds depressingly familiar. (Duke lost – this was the election in which the famous “Vote for the crook, it’s important” bumper sticker appeared – but it was a close thing until the final couple weeks.)

Meanwhile, Tom Nichols has another great column on the Atlantic site. His point: They know who he is and they like it (gft link): Trump’s Depravity Will Not Cost Him This Election - The Atlantic

Finally, in an effort to be more upbeat, I leave you with WDSU anchor Norman Robinson, finally puncturing Duke’s aura. I will say, anyone who did this today – especially a Black man – would be roundly hammered by the MAGAs: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4585511/user-clip-david-duke-slammed-racism


There’s always sexual fetish lurking in the background with Republicans. And always at the poorly-socialized 7-year-old boy level, whereby they are obsessively fascinated with it, without really understanding the meaning of it.