Kaine And Warner Again Argue That Infrastructure Bills Would’ve Helped Prevent Dems’ Virginia Loss | Talking Points Memo

I have to assume they were worried that talking about CRT would be twisted into not supporting it at all and would alienate voters.


I have no idea whether it helps, but I’m convinced that the issue absolutely needs to be aired. I live across the river in the maryland suburbs. I think, as some other commenters have said, when you lose by 2 points, almost any mistake during the campaign becomes THE mistake that cost you the election.

It seems to me that there were two big mistakes, and one wholly ignored critical factor. As Warner and Kaine said, today, the failure of the House to pass the infrastructure bill disgusted rank and file Democrats in Virginia, especially northern Virginia. A fair number of them decided that since Yangkin wasn’t Trump, they needn’t take the time to vote, especially since Terry wasn’t a very inspiring candidate.

But if there was a critical mistake, I think it was Terry blurting out during a heated debate that parents had no right influence (understood as “dictate”) school curricula. That turned off just about everyone, even though Terry didn’t really mean what he said. This really hemorrhaged suburban votes from him.

The third factor - pretty much ignored, I think, — was Trump’s last minute rallying of irregular Trump supporters in Red Virginia to get to the polls, which worked dramatically, with an avalanche of his voters on election day.


Not only get things done, but also fight the culture war
Article by Will Bunch: (one of my favorites)


Right. And if true, that tells me that D voters are (#1…not getting off the couch) and #2…are too touchy and fickle to know when someone is fighting the gaslighting/strawman in the only way possible.

I think you have this upside down. The so-called progressives tried to strongarm regular Democrats by refusing to vote for the infrastructure bill until regular Democrats caved to the so-called progressives’ demands. That was never going to happen, and it didn’t. Even when the bill finally passed the House, the self-styled Squad still voted against it. It took Republican votes to get the bill passed. I hope - and expect - that each of the Squad Cultists gets a strong primary opponent in the mid—terms; I suspect that NYC Mayor Adams is already putting together a list of potential opponents to AOC.

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The only people who needed to be stronged armed were Manchin and Sinema and it is a major stretch to call them regular Democrats.


But it was pragmatic at the time. Maybe “Clintonism” is actually mostly pragmatism. My reading comprehension is just fine. What I question is whether this ingrained Clintonism is a real thing or a handy whipping boy to explain the loss of a guy who’s just not that great of a candidate. I also wonder if you’re going to try to argue that Virginians elected Youngkin because McAuliffe wasn’t progressive enough. It’s an intriguing argument and often made.

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It may be made, often, but how pragmatic is it really when voters can be swayed by an issue they can’t even understand or explain?

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It isn’t pragmatic at all. IMHO there’s no evidence for it at all and mountains of evidence against.

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Good Lord!

My Seattle daughter just told me that Joe Biden had apparently “ripped one off” in front of Camilla Parker Bowles.

Solidifying his commitment to wind energy?
Fsrting in her general direction?
Or just a passing fancy?

Oh dear.

ETA Can’t think of a better recipient of Joe’s “largesse”.


Has Nikki Haley proposed testing for people who fart too much?

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If Kaine and Warner are right, polls for Biden and Democrats should go up or at least stop falling farther into negative territory this coming week. Biden is nearly 9 points under water today. That should turn around if people are supportive of the BIF bill. We’ll see.

I hate to say this, but when I say get things done, I’m talking about kitchen table issues voters care about. Inflation, health care, drug prices, rising heating bills this winter, funding SS and Medicare.

I’ve never been a supporter of either bill because I really don’t think it will win Democrats any votes at all. They’ll continue to lose the culture wars regardless how much money they pump into the economy. Hardly anyone knew that nearly half of Obama’s stimulus spending gave them more take home pay with every paycheck.

We’ll never know if we don’t test. Better out than in … unless you’re an environmental extremist.

PS If Newsmax is involved, best approach it with a jaundiced eye.

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Let’s see now, Manchin, the Democratic Governor of West Virginia and three term Democratic Senator of West Virginia. The only Democratic survivor in a Blood Red state. Now, any of us are free to append any adjective to “Democrat” that we want. But without him, we would get a Senate Majority Leader from Kentucky.

I’m no big fan of Sinema, but she has been an Emily’s List Democrat for years, and a big advocate of environmental protection legislation. I don’t have a problem with that.

Can I assume from your comments that you would have joined AOC, Tlaib, Omar, Prestley and the other squadette in voting against the infrastructure bill.

So they basically blame House Democrats for not doing it sooner. We’ll see if their mistrust of Manchin and Sinema is well founded. I don’t want to hear any more of Manchin’s “good faith” bullshit.

It will if it leads to job growth with good wages. Frankly, it’s already happening. The minimum wage has increased. Enough? Maybe not, but education, affordable college and trade schools have to be in the mix.

Well, I should have said that was then. It’s changed a lot since then. Gingrich and his handlers made sure of that.

My advice to Warner and Kaine. Stay the fuck healthy and keep away from windows. Now shut the fuck up.


People bitch because dems don’t say enough, and you’re telling them to shut up.

Must be hot in AZ. You’re cranky.:neutral_face:


No one can find help now. Little Falls Walmart had a sign up looking for 2-11 PM stocking crew help at $18 bucks an hour. They were offering about $19.50 per hour for the overnight shift. That’s starting pay with no skills needed. If I wanted to go back to driving, Walmart distribution center in Tomah, WI is offering about 100,000 grand a year, without bonuses. They were at 87,000 grand back in 2019.

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