Kaine And Warner Again Argue That Infrastructure Bills Would’ve Helped Prevent Dems’ Virginia Loss | Talking Points Memo

Neo liberalism in general? A soft embrace of trickle down? repub lite as @Kevin_S said.

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Damn few progressives as well, most are hardened pragmatists on this site, don’t let the chaff get ya.

I agree with you. Kaine and Warner? Really? Move forward and leave the whining to the Republiclans.


Cruz will do or say anything to get his name in the news. He makes me want to gag. On the plus side, when this is the best they’ve got to throw out on a Sunday in Nov. they are in trouble.


How did he do in that campaign? I forget. Getting on in years, obviously.

How did he do in that campaign? I forget. Getting on in years, obviously.

Yes, he won. That was almost 30 years ago. Please re-read what I said upthread. I said it doesn’t work anymore.

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McAuliffe was five points ahead. His loss was a self inflicted wound.


Woulda coulda shoulda passed them bills…
Yeah…like last summer!!!

Completely so.


Like many have concluded, the education issue did him in.
From Mediaite:

CNN’s Pamela Brown sat down with a group of Virginia mothers — none of whom identified as Republican — but voted for Republican Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin .

The group was comprised of one Democrat, two independents, and one who was unaffiliated. Three of the four said they voted for President Joe Biden in the general election, but all supported Youngkin.

The prime concern voiced by these voters was school closures from Covid.

“Our kids are in crisis. The learning loss is real,” said Virginia voter Shawnna Yashar . “So we’re in a situation where our kids are really far behind, and they need a lot of help. They need a lot of additional tutoring, they need a lot of additional time after school to help catch them up and they are still not focusing on that.”

The mothers told Brown that “the education and learning loss” was the number one issue influencing their votes, not Critical Race Theory or vaccine mandates.

Kay Greenwall , who did not raise her hand when asked if she voted for Biden, said that the “nail in the coffin” was Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe campaigning with the former president of the United Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten .

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Yep, McAuliffe ran a bad campaign, but Dems winning and getting things done would have created a different context that might have been enough.


What was the alternative? Not closing the schools because of COVID? I don’t know if McCaliffe empathized with these concerns and expressed that. He should have. But what alternatives are these women suggesting? I mean, do they really think their kids would have been better off without school closures. And what’s with the animosity against the teacher’s union? Teachers were supposed to risk their lives to teach these women’s kids pre-vaccines?


"Here’s the thing you have to understand about Ted Cruz. I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz." – former U.S. Senator Al Franken (MN)


BS. The scaremongering about race did McAuliffe in. Cloaking it in education is just excuse-making. Schools re-opened in VA this school year. I didn’t follow the VA campaign too closely but I am willing to bet Youngkin didn’t say much about learning loss and catching kids up.


Actually, Terry wasn’t even governor during the pandemic… Northam was. So I fail to see why they are blaming him for school closures. Must be the comments he made on the campaign trail.


Some Democrats would rather bitch and moan than actually work at making things better. Tim Kaine was one of the worst V.P. running mates since Joe Lieberman. One could argue that he was a factor in Hillary’s loss in 2016 so I’m not particularly interested in his analysis of election results or anything else he has to say.


Manchin didn’t see this coming and is now making a fool of himself by trying to argue that what the voters really wanted was more delay and less help.

The progressives did see this coming arguing that both bills needed to get done and get done well or there would be electoral trouble
That it is the young Democrats who did not turn out suggests that this is the correct read of the situation. Although I"d bet that the argument that the Democrats were tired retreads was getting a lot of help from Moscow.


OK great point, so what was stopping McAuliffe from making a huge stink about CRT not being taught in schools, and it was not going to be taught on his watch? That Dems in general aren’t for CRT, not sure why everyone is saying Dems are FOR teaching CRT (except it should teach you voters that Republicans will lie to you about this kind of stuff) and there is not going to be any CRT taught while he is governor?

We are going to be fighting this same fight in region after region. Is it only because we will be attacked by our own people for taking that tack against CRT?

No, it’s your tunnel vision, dude.