What is the Clinton school of thought, exactly?
Something that was so insidious, some people wouldn’t vote for Hillary.
Good grief.
Yes, times have changed. There was an overconfidence in the 2008 primaries on the part of the Clintons, it was there in 2016 and McAullife thought he was in for a cake walk too. The “Third Way” no longer plays like it did in '92.
Young voters have no memory of Bill Clinton as President. In '92 the Democrats were still trying to get rid of the hangover of Carter/Mondale/Dukakis defeats. That was 30 years ago.
Republican-lite. “The Third Way.” Having to explain in campaign ads for Bill in '92 that “he was a different kind of Democrat.” That’s how bad it was in '92.
Woulda, coulda, shoulda is for losers. Go get’em the next time.
This is from a post I wrote on another site, before the election:
When Democrats lose in Virginia on Tuesday, will progressives finally learn their lesson?
I might be wrong and hope I am, but there is damn little evidence of it here on this site.
Hillary stepped aside gracefully in 2008, which led to the first African-American to be POTUS.
That wasn’t enough for you all, I guess. She wasn’t her husband and would have been an awesome president.
People never seem to be able to explain why she shouldn’t have been one.
Whoa whoa whoa. I’m sorry, but Clinton did not concede easily. I’m sorry, but that’s just wrong.
Why are they even belaboring the issue? What’s done is done, move on. Don’t they have some work to do on another important bill that needs to get passed? What is this nonsense? Are they trying to get a job at CNN or something? If they think this will light a fire under Dems for next time, they’re wasting time and messaging opportunities.
She was gracious in defeat, you cretin.
Thanks for Trump.
I’m sorry, but I remember what I remember. Don’t gaslight me:
“It’s the economy stupid”?
Something like that…
She was gracious in defeat. You still hold that against her? Are you Chris Matthews, by any chance?
Whatever happened to him anyway?
OMG. You’re a Bernie Bro, like NYC guy at Political Wire?
Whatever. If she were a he, you wouldn’t even say anything like that. You have a problem, apparently.
Have a nice night.
How does blaming Democrats help the Democrats? I don’t get it. Unless they’re feeling guilty for failing to see the Democratic policies to their state, and cowering rather than clarifying the GOP favorite wedge issues.
I really need them to answer:
How does blaming Democrats help the Democrats?
or fascist, sexist, creationist, corporatist … so many choices.
OMG. You’re a Bernie Bro, like NYC guy at Political Wire?
Whatever. If she were a he, you wouldn’t even say anything like that. You have a problem, apparently.
Have a nice night.
LOL. No. But that’s a great example of how Democrats can’t get out of their own way.
And almost as inane.
Seems more likely that if more Dems had showed up, that would have gotten TMac across the line.
Ted Cruz is at war with Big Bird of Sesame Street. I am not surprised. What say you Cruz about Captain Kangaroo?
Ted Cruz condemns Big Bird for advocating Covid vaccines for kids | Sesame Street | The Guardian