Sorry, but they’re holding out for better wages. It’s working.
“At the time” in my opinion is the operative phrase. As a candidate he was a good example of someone who thought he could just do what he did last time and would win. Overconfidence.
It is. 90° Yesterday, 89° today.
Cranky and loving it.
This angers me so much. Maybe go tell that to Manchin and Sinema a#$$@!!!
Fair enough.
Well, it’s good to know that you oppose the Biden agenda. I’m glad you’re being candid about that. We just about disagree across the board with each other, which we have the right to do. There’s no reason to argue with each other.
As to the mechanics of Biden’s approval rating, I’d be thrilled to see that go up right away (it doesn’t sound like you would be), but we all know that’s unlikely in the extreme— although I’d be delighted. Biden - who I supported from the very beginning - has made his own mistakes and the Squad has so polluted the political waters that it will take time, skill, continuing economic improvement, and luck for those approval ratings to get better.
As I know you know, it will take months for projects to start in local areas, even assuming that the appropriations bill (or bills) necessary to get the money flowing gets enacted quickly. Another lesson from the Obama years— there is no such thing as a shovel ready project.
I wouldn’t classify it as opposing it, I just don’t cheer it on because I doubt it will make any positive difference at voting time. Republicans will frame it as another Democratic tax and spend. And SOCIALISM!!!
I happen to think parents should not have a say in curriculum. That’s what teachers and standards are for. You don’t like the standards, then home school your kids or put them in private school. If the idiot parents in Virginia got to dictate curriculum, we’d be in a very bad place. It’s unfortunate that this is how Prep school Youngkin win, but he did. Virginia is still very much a red state.
Children as possessions.
I’m quite thankful that lay people don’t have a say in drug approval and automobile safety standards and other things that require teams of expert input that make decisions based on evidence and science. Aside from the racist overtones, this was just another GOP drummed up attack on expertise, corroborated history they don’t like, and professionalism.
Indeed. Though he was being blamed because he’s a maskin’, distancin’, schoolin’ dem who is out to hurt their young ‘uns. Weez talking real mama bears here.
Don’t worry, Dems are going for aggressive messaging campaign that will put the right-wing noise machine to shame.
As Tena would write: “Hahahahahahahahahahaha.”
Retaining the power to tank the BIF is the only restraint in their attempts to gut the BBB. .
Effective climate control outranks any other concern.
“Folks didn’t wake up to it,” Kaine said. “They’re waking up to it now.”
What ungodly opium slumber are these people enduring…why is their moment of awakening so elusive in light of the horrible acts of sedition, voter supression,crumbling infrastructure, embarrassing international policy…is there anything Americans who hope to preserve the Republic can look forward to beyond the endless "Democrats weak…in disarray " narrative the media is so fond of?
I’m definitely a supported - and you know what - long term - we going to win this fight - and then moderates can become Republicans again
Progressives started this county with Revolution- we keep fighting for equality until the Confededates broke blood - then we torched them and razed their cities, burning Atlanta to the ground and chasing Lee back to Richmond. Toward the turn of the century we helped trust bust Monopolies and laid the ground work for labor laws, secured the women’s right to vote and after WW1 and the first modern financial bubble - we created the SEC and helped ensure fair game capitalism - then we rallied the world to defeat Facism after millions were killed in the name of Authoritatian madness
I’m the 1950’s and 1960’s we marched for civil rights for people of all colors - and into the end of the millennium rights of LGBTQ -
We are the forefront of technology- and now have the mantle of saving us Climate Catastophe because the entire globe is threatened
I’m very excited as to what we are going to accomplish in the coming conflict years
BecUse every time the world goes crazy
Progressives save the day
Mark our words - get with program or get out of the way
Because we are winner and we built this country from Day 1
American isn’t a confederate nation isn’t not a moderate one - America is Progressive - it’s about striving for the future
Repeat argument: Parents already have a say in the curriculum. They elect the school board which determines the outlines of that choice. What Youngkin was actually supporting was letting the loudest pre-programmed thug control what is taught.
Answer: a bored, lazy and decadent society addicted to luxury.
This is ultimately what collapse looks like: it’s not a sudden, single action as we’ve been conditioned to think it is but a rot from within that spreads outwards, driven by the apathy of a populace that wants to be entertained and lacks values outside of pithy statements otherwise. We’re all the Emperor Honorius watching the Visigoths (in the form of QAnon, Republicans and other syphilitic right-wingers) coming over the seventh hill, not truly realizing that the Roman Empire is about to fall.
Have a great night, everybody!
(NB: Honorius was not the last Roman emperor but the first of the Western empire when Rome split, but damnit, allow me the theatrics!)
They should blame Trump. He lied about the virus, he refused to do much of anything to stop it, he lied when he said it would be over by Easter, I can’t remember everything he lied about. May that idiot go down in History as the worst leader. He cared nothing about Americans. Millions of cases and about 500,000 deaths when he was still in office he ignored. He did not make sure there was plenty of PPE for hospitals, he actively interfered with attempts to get the virus under control. May he burn in hell.
My son, his wife and my granddaughter have all been in the classroom during the last 6 or 7 months. Teachers are the real heroes. What they have had to work with, both while teaching in person and on-line. The stories I have heard about what goes on in the classroom are heart-breaking. I should stop this rant, it is draining.
The bile coming out of the mouths of parents at the School Board Meetings makes me think they have no business in deciding what the curriculum will be.
So what do you think is the lesson?
As a lifelong educator, i agree but McAuliffe was stupid to say it that way.