Hello it’s the weekend. This is The Weekender U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk is ripping up legal procedure, the better to keep a high-profile abortion case in his hands as the new administration takes over. Last June, the Supreme Court found that the anti-abortion doctors aiming to make abortion drug mifepristone less accessible lacked…
Re: Mace v Crockett. This is what is going to pass for decorum in the new Congress. More junior high cafeteria BS than actual work for the people. The constituents that elected these two and all the other bullies in both sides of Congress are very proud that no one backs down. What they fail to realize is that it’s not the way to get anything done.
Mace is, I maintain, mentally ill. That the committee chair treated this so lightly is an indication of how cowardly the rest of the Congresscritters are in the face of this nonsense.
There is video of the Mace handshake. Everything in the Capitol bldg is on video. Not sure where to access the video but I am sure it exists.
Asking Rep. Crockett ‘if she wanted to take it outside’ is a physical threat.
The NYT has a new poll out, indicating the Dems have some heavy lifting to do if they want to win more elections. The poll included 1.022 Republican/Lean Republican, 1,025 Democrat/Lean Democrat, and 81 Independent/Something else.
Free gifted link:
It’s difficult for me to read this any other way than to think Dems need to adjust how we talk about some things like immigration and trans rights, respecting how most voters feel about it, instead of continuing to wish that most voters will align themselves with our progressive policies. Ideals are great but they don’t win elections.
That said, I don’t think this can be read as an analysis of why Harris lost, because it doesn’t include a question like “Can a woman be President” to tease out the misogyny issue, or anything about Gaza specifically. It’s about the relative popularity of Trump’s policies and statements.
"This week, Griffin, submitted a brief to the state Supreme Court, asking the court to first invalidate 5,509 overseas ballots, who, he claims, failed to show photo identification when they voted, before the court considers the rest of the 60,000 ballots that he is protesting. Griffin is in no way conceding that the 60,000 ballots should not be contested, but rather, as previously reported for TPM, he is merely attempting to protest ballots in a way that is more “palatable.” But the larger effort remains the same—he is attempting to overturn the results, and steal the lead away from Democrat incumbent Allison Riggs.
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Would a military person overseas need to prove who they are?
One does not show photo identification when using a mail-in ballot. I vote by mail. My vote, here in Arizona, is accepted and counted.
Griffin needs to get over the fact that he lost.
I’m going to push back just a little. People like a lot of what the Republicans are selling in the abstract. The Republicans have been singing the same song for a long time secure in the knowledge that Democrats would prevent a whole lot of the ugliest stuff from being enacted - they had their cake and ate it. That will not happen in the next few years - the Republicans plan to put their proposals into action. A whole lot of people who thought the ugliness would only affect the people they hate are going to be in for a big surprise (Kentucky under Bevins re the ACA is instructive.) I don’t think it will matter much in the ruby red Old Confederacy where they have been taught for decades that the government is not there to meet their needs, but it will matter in a whole bunch of the swing states where the people still expect the government to have a positive role to play in their lives.
Even Bush the Younger knew the custom of “go home and stfu” after one’s term is over. Not TSF. He must bellow constantly and every second get an ego stroke from some hanger on. And get his mug on TV at every opportunity, good or bad. Even our justice system lays down to him. It’s sickening.
I really dislike this childish whining about lost elections.
I am not trying to bury my head in the sand, but lies and/or nonsense that are sane-washed by the New York Times might meet some approval by the public.
For example, tariffs, yes or no? Well, that is a bad question. In fact, it might meet the criteria of a bullshit, or false, question.
First, we do have tariffs. Second, it is the nature and consequences of the tariffs that Donald Trump proposes that are the problem. Third, the public is economically illiterate at this particular level of nuance. (Edit, so is Donald Trump by the way.)
End result, meet the interface of rock and a hard place if we have Donald Trump’s tariffs.
Edit 2: For the sake of completeness, I have added a link to Paul Krugman’s analysis below. So, what if the public was asked “Do you support policies that will wreck the economy and drive up prices using tariffs as the means to that policy”, I wonder how many would say “Yeah, let me have a piece of that action!”
Mace is a whiner who looks for fights. If she were self confident she wouldn’t behave that way. Picking a fight on a very very weak reason actually shows cowardice.
Unfortunately, it looks like this is a matter that’ll need to be hashed out in the courts, since OLC and the National Archivist (who would need to certify it) both say the ratification deadlines are enforceable.
True, everyone robs your data but in different degrees and for different purposes. Facebook is more evil than Google because Google firewalls your personal data to a greater extent when selling ads compared to Facebook. Both companies use that data for one purpose: selling ads.
TikTok is different. In addition to making money with ads, it’s designed to identify and track user activity both domestic and foreign by the Chinese government. That’s a US national security issue. Which is why SCOTUS unanimously ruled that Congress has the authority to ban it, sidestepping any 1a issues.