Jury Enters Third Day Of Deliberations In Rittenhouse Murder Trial

The jury in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial will reconvene Thursday morning, entering the third day of closed-door deliberations. We saw very little movement yesterday. The jury requested permission to review certain video evidence and the judge, prosecution and defense spent several hours discussing if and how the footage could be viewed.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1395059

Third day of deliberations. The jury is hanging up on something.


Someone elsewhere mentioned this may mean they are coming up with a compromise - guilty on some charges, acquitted on others. In any case, it does mean that this wasn’t an open and shut case.


I would say that if I were Rittenhouse I would be more and more freaked out everyday. Could it be that this jury sees a person who put himself in a place where he didn’t have to be, shot three people and doesn’t exactly see that as self defense? It is simple after all.


Each hour of additional deliberation must be very hard for Kyle to endure.



At least for this judge and jury.


Hannity is complaining about a rush to judgement? How do we live in a world that hypocrites like that aren’t struck by lightning every day? What he said is what Republicans do every day, except that they aren’t basing any of their attacks in the facts or evidence to support their nonsense.

And, after Gosar’s idiocy and the comments from people like Boebert and Greene, it’s completely appropriate to have a member of Congress suggest having someone who shot people as an intern in Congress. They are reaching the point that they are just thugs who want to kill the Democrats so they can take over Congress, so they might as well have actual killers on their staffs.


Regardless of the outcome, one side is going to be jubilant and the other side disgusted.

There’s no happy medium here.


I long ago suspected that it would be a split decision. The POS (yeah he really is a POS) may claim self defense with one murder, but shooting 3 people and killing 2 of them may be hard for the jury to swallow.

What worries me is the sentencing phase of the trial. The Judge Rittenhouse’s unofficial lawyer may decide that absent mandatory minimum’s probation is the best out come for the poor innocent little boy./s

The young man’s emotional testimony had a practical purpose: it was a performance meant to make him seem helpless and childlike…a reasonable possibility that he was in fear for his life when he shot the three men. But to many…Rittenhouse’s testimony seemed to stem…from the indignant entitlement of a white man thwarted in the enforcement of his own privilege.


The video they asked for and got later yesterday was the one where he appears to have shouldered the rifle prior to his last run-in with Rosenbaum.

Find that interesting, could indicate they’re really considering whether his provocation was enough to invalidate his claim of self-defense when Rosenbaum was chasing him.


I dunno. Seems like if they came back with second-degree stuff and 10-20 that that’s a reasonable split that neither side would get too worked up over. It’s only if there’s the extreme of either life or acquittal that this is going to be one-sided.


Ideally, this wouldn’t help him because helpless, childlike people should not walk into volatile situations carrying firearms, nor should the gun rights crowd continue to preach rights without responsibilities.


Yep. And it should be remembered that this judge is notorious for his ridiculously punitive sentencing.


Yes, republicans are well known for not getting worked up over reasonable things. Why, just yesterday Hannity and other Fox personalities were saying that, even though they think KR was justified, they understand why he was arrested and put on trial.


Not just TPM but MSNBC, CNN and most mainstream media loves to report on right wing aholes saying deplorable things thereby giving them a much greater megaphone.

On the other hand, FOX and other deplorables seldom discuss what is said on other sites except for an occasional sentence taken out of context to express fake outrage.

I would suggest that mainstream news could learn something from deplorables.


How many of those sentenced to earn that rep were lilly white baby Nazis?


I have the suspicion that the Jury is hung over whether to give him a slap in the hand or a medal. Rittenhouse is not setting a foot in jail anytime soon.

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Hannity griped that Rittenhouse trial jurors “now are face-to-face with an angry mob that, in all likelihood, they’re hearing with their very own ears.”

When the jurors arrive and depart, it is behind the courthouse. In front of the courthouse there’s been at most a couple dozen people from both sides. One physical skirmish so far when one protestor attacked another. A group in support of justice (not limited to this trial) walked the streets after dark for a half hour or so in the general vicinity.

As of this morning? WISN 12’s Nick Bohr said the atmosphere outside the courthouse was calm, with about 10 people around.

Trust me, they aren’t hearing anything with their “very own ears”


Very big of them to admit that criminals should be tried.


In other media news in Kenosha, an NBC reporter learned there are officers out on the streets, not just in front of the courthouse. As the reporter was driving along in town, talking to his producer on the phone, he ran a red light. The officer was driving behind him at the time.