I agree with you and would add two points. First, delays often benefit the average joe or jane awaiting trial on charges connected with, say, a smash and grab at a jewelry store. The delay gives their overworked Legal Aid or un-fancy attorneys time to prepare their case. (Same with appeals.) Second, since court backlogs account for most delays, we need to increase the number of judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys (and the support staff and work spaces they all rely on) throughout our federal, state, county, and municipal systems. That would cost taxpayers a lot and would probably require systemic reorganization.
Even some (not many, but not a tiny number, either) of the older Cuban-Americans were anti-Batista and anti-Castro, once the latter turned to the Soviet Union and his dictatorial ambitions became clear (which was very quickly). I’ve known several such people. A few from that generation are still alive, and many of their children still are.
FYI …our house is in a heavily Hispanic neighborhood of Tucson. The city is 40% to 45% Hispanic. I’m comfortable with it. I like my neighborhood. I spent time living in Mexico so I am not unfamiliar with the culture. I say again … LOUDLY …trump is a fucking racist who has no place in a pluralistic society like America.He should move. Norway maybe is white enough. I find him endlessly insulting. Someone should yell at him at a rally that his wife is an immigrant poisoning the blood of America.
Let’s not forget that Donald Trump’s mother was born in Scotland, the daughter of a crofter. She was living in Queens and working as a “domestic” when she met DJT’s father, Fred.
When I was a 15 yo kid, I had a buddy (he had a crush on me) who later became David Koresh’s spokesman at Waco. His nickname was Pinky, because he was fair, and blushed all the time.
He couldn’t date, go to dances, or listen to pop music. But he was, like, my groupie…. He was weird (because of his religion — we called them (Seventh-Day Adventists) Grass eaters. But I was not part of that. He had enough social problems without his religion. Never knew what happened to him, until I saw the pictures of Waco, and saw Pinky trying to negotiate and communicate. And then saw the massacre that killed him, his wife, and young daughter. I was pretty devastated. He was not crazyassed. He was a lost soul, impressionable, obedient. Koeresh was the evil one. I sometimes feel like I relate more to people like Pinky than to the more traditional middle class folk like us here. I wish we all would be a little more understanding and mindful of some of the people considered outliers.