Jury Convictions Of Bannon And Navarro May Energize Lawmakers’ Ability To Hold Powerful People Accountable

He spouted this at his rally in Hialeah, Florida, of all places. A decades old refuge for Cuban exiles who fled Batista and now others such as Venezuelans.
They support him because they became what they fled. Pull up the ladder authoritarians.




A “fluke” encounter?


True for the older generation, but the Cuban-American community is not a monolithic voter bloc. Trump won 52% of the Cuban-American vote in Florida in 2020, a fairly slim majority. There were Cuban-American votes for Biden, just not enough.

This group shouldn’t be written off. We just need to spend more money and attention on counter-programming the flood of disinformation and propaganda in Spanish language radio and TV by Republicans in FL.


I guess, but the only way to actually enforce a subpoena would be to jail the miscreant on the spot until he decides to comply. DOJ does not enforce subpoenas, it merely prosecutes a minor misdemeanor called “contempt” and I’m betting no jail will be imposed. We’ll see.

That is interesting. Was there also a Darwin award nomination?

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Bannon got four months in prison. He won’t even have to change his shirt.


Sick stuff but he said similar things in during both of his previous campaigns. Rapists and murderers coming through the southern border, Russia, Russia Russia, accused the"deep state" of spying on him, NATO doesn’t pay enough, only I can fix it, etc, etc. Nothing is new here and his social media platform is failing.

Some reporter needs to ask him to define Communism, Marxism, and Fascism. If current Dems are what he says, he should explain why the stock market continues to open every day, banks are not owned by the state nor are major retailers. Ask him to name just one state run major corporation. He cannot.


Meanwhile, here’s a Sunday feel good story. She’s from Yakima,WA.

After 63 days and countless Oreos, a record on the Pacific Crest Trail | The Seattle Times


Agreed. The subpoenas were never enforced nor will they be.

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Specific to Hialeah, Florida which trends more Republican but agree Miami Dade and other places in south Florida can be getable with a good media campaign to counter the narrative that floods the Latino media ecosystem there, particularly on AM radio. Obama did quite well with them since he had more nuanced position on the embargo and had a few prominent trusted voices in the conversation like Gloria Estefan and her husband. There year there was a story about a media outlet proposing to purchase on the the AM stations there and offer a diverse range of voices.


No. It’s spelled “Crazy ass, fringe, murder-suicide cult”


You are first to breach and spout puns.


I won’t hold that against her.


Is Melanoma, and her grifting family, on his deport list? May be his way out of the prenup.


@geographyjones According to Wikipedia, the first extreme electric shock occurred in 1746 in the Netherlands, when a lab assistant got one while working with a Leyden jar. The event you cite – more relevant to electrical delivery as we know it – occurred in 1879. Ten years later, NY state approved the first execution by extreme electric shock and so executed William Kemmler in 1890. The current was AC – from Edison’s point of view, the better to publicize AC as dangerous and DC as safe. (My grandfather was a player in the AC/DC wars in NYC in the early 1900’s. He was an AC man (Cooper Union trained as an electrical engineer), as I think nearly everyone with any sense was by then. Thomas Edison’s commitment to DC (given his wealth, popularity, and influence with politicians) was an impediment to developing a coherent system of electrical generation and distribution in NYC and many other places in the U.S.)



I’ll see your 3 point buck and raise you with my 6 point buck wearing someone’s laundry on his rack. Taken last Sunday in my yard.


Great story.

Wow! Is that a white-tailed deer? Looks like it. Mine was.

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Yes! He is quite nice looking. I’m sure he thought dressing in his new head gear would impress the does. :rofl::rofl::rofl: