Judge Smacks Down DOJ Role In Defending Trump From Rape Claim | Talking Points Memo

Looks like Barr is doing an ad for Purell
I had been wondering what he’s been up to.


The DoJ argument is that the suit is for defamation which occurred in 2019 while Trump was allegedly the president. Even if you accept that argument I don’t know how you parlay that into an act within his official duties.


Any DoJ lawyer who signed their name to this should be dis-Barred, and he should be forced to sit on their face. I hear that he rather likes doing that.


My first reaction to this was “so he’ll just fast track it to SCOTUS and be done with it.” I have to wonder how much even SCOTUS will continue to support him on this. It seems to me that one of Roberts’ concerns at this point is to protect the legacy of the Court, and Trump may have actually become enough of a liability that he is no longer the asset he once was. Roberts and his minions may find that if they dump Trump they can then spend their time putting obstacles in the way of Biden as he tries to establish a Union that actually cares about people. By letting the election play out with no interference, and by allowing this decision to stand, they can reinforce their bona fides as an independent judiciary and get rid of the deranged man in office. If they have to spend time getting him out of one jam or another, they don’t have as much time to dismantle the country.


If only!


How can you defame someone who doesn’t have (good) character and has admitted to sexual harassment.


Plenty of room in there so come on in! Is Kavs back? He said he’d bring more beer! He likes beer!

Shh. That could actually be used as a defense!

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Good point.

Two out of three Trump Supreme Court appointees have not been accused of rape.

What more do you people want?


DOJ lawyers compared the situation to a mail deliverer causing a car accident on the job.

Had a friend who was a USPS employee, she lost her job because she was T-Boned, not her fault period but PS did not care, an accident or ticket cost you your job.


He’s going to need an industrial sized bottle to get the Trump virus off of him.


Like they say about farmers, land rich, cash poor.


I recommend he take it internally.

Yesterday Roberts was the swing vote to deny the extension of the Wisconsin deadline to receive mailed ballots. Can we end this bullshit about Roberts caring about anything save the maintenance of minority rule?


The fire crew abandoned that house and moved on to another hill long ago.


that boat sank when it was a 5-4 court.
except for a few cases where Roberts had a brain fart according to the gop


Preparing ballot rejection arguments.

And working on healthy eating habits … mostly involving small children.


Waiting for an appeal to the Circuit Court and a stay in…

3, 2, 1


None of us know the truth of trump’s financial pitfalls. He has released next to nothing and fights even the mention of releasing anything. It could be that even he does not know all of his financial condition since he isn’t a detail guy. We do know a shot pile of loans are coming due in a few years and that’s about it. Except for what the NY Times has released we don’t know much else.
I suspect tho that he’s in debt up to his fancy hairline.


I don’t know anything about E. Jean Carroll’s character, but Trump has a well known penchant for defaming anybody who doesn’t kiss the ring so I give her the benefit of the doubt.

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