Judge In Georgia Special Grand Jury Case Weighs In On Foreperson Media Tour

Following the pushback the foreperson of the Georgia special grand jury received after giving several high profile interviews, the judge overseeing the case clarified that jurors “can talk about the final report.”

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1449529
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All of the cautionary notes are enlightening but Emily Kohrs needs to Shut the F&*% Up!


The remedy
For Emily
Is a lawsuit sure to follow.

When her excuse
For the abuse
Is sure to ring quite hollow.


The cat is out of the bag.


Looks like the tail end of a beautiful tortoiseshell cat. The carpet’s nice too.


Exactly so, not that this will deter TFG’s lawyers as well as the Reich-WingNutisphere and their MSM stenographers from blaring the opposite to all an sundry. Not that anyone should give a damn any more but oddly none-the-less do; whatever happened to the point of the boy who cried wolf.


Let them go after a goofy 30-year-old who looks 14.

It will only backfire.

Dems worry too damn much…


“This grand jury’s sole role was to prepare a report that was merely a set of recommendations for the district attorney — full stop. Nothing more.”

Donald Trump is a criminal.

Talk about it.


It’s all very entertaining, though I don’t envy the “Saturday Night Live” writers who have to try and make this stuff funnier than it already is.

Trump is never going to be convicted of any crime. If that was going to happen, it would have by now.

The solutions:
1/ Judges need to put a media embargo on jurors for a set number of days.
2/ Compensatory, pay jurors a living wage to be/act professional. Now they are the only ones not earning real money. Lawyers, bailiff, judge, staff, etc are making a professional wage doing the work. Why not the jurors?? It’s called the jury system after all.


Another solution would be 3/ Georgia gets rid of this odd special grand jury system, so there will either be an indictment or not, instead of this weird indeterminate period before the actual grand jury handles the case.


Although Emily Kohrs didn’t hand Trump’s lawyers a loaded gun, she gave them gunpowder, brass casings, and lead. Some dissembly required.


you can talk about the final report because that is the product of your deliberations, but it’s not your deliberations.”

I’m sure the jury will find this helpful, as long as everyone has a clear grasp of epistemology, Zen koans, and legal kung fu.


So what?
It’s not that we worry too much it’s that we embellish it

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I have to hand it to Trump. In his view, state and local officials are inclined to cheat on a variety of matters, including public health. “Meatball” DeSantis behaved precisely as the model forecast, brushing off excess covid deaths and never really fessing up to the excess deaths in his state.

The US continued to experience significantly higher COVID-19 and excess all-cause mortality compared with peer countries during 2021 and early 2022, a difference accounting for 150 000 to 470 000 deaths. This difference was muted in the 10 states with highest vaccination coverage; remaining gaps may be explained by greater vaccination uptake in peer countries, better vaccination targeting to older age groups, and differences in health and social infrastructure.

What is more surprising perhaps is that this underreporting behavior, especially in red states, followed a pattern similar to what was seen in Russia. Back when I was a kid, there was an expression “better dead than Red”. Today the saying should be “better Blue than dead” although it’s not as catchy.


Better Blue than Poo


Better Blue than Glue?


I remember that (dating myself too) but, even though it still isn’t as catchy, I’d make the choice inclusive as in “Better red and dead than blue.” Considering the excess deaths from disease as well as shortening life-spans generally in red states it seems to capture the consequence of what is essentially an ideological rather than an empirical or logical decision a little better.

But that’s just nit picking – a bad habit of mine – the idiocy of ‘culture war’ blather as well as the number of my (nominally) fellow citizens who seem to like and vote for it frankly makes me see red from time to time.


The cat hasn’t spit up on it yet.