Judge Ho Appoints Former GOP Solicitor General To Help Him Mull DOJ's Corrupt Adams Deal

Originally published at: Judge Ho Appoints Former GOP Solicitor General To Help Him Mull DOJ’s Corrupt Adams Deal - TPM – Talking Points Memo

A Manhattan federal judge signaled on Friday that he won’t rubber stamp the Trump DOJ’s effort to drop the prosecution of New York City Mayor Eric Adams, part of an allegedly corrupt quid pro quo acting Deputy Attorney General Emil Bove hammered out to secure Adams’ cooperation with an immigration crackdown in the five boroughs.…

Trump and his brownshirts continue to try to make a mockery of our justice system. So far they have been successful (no jail time or even trail for Trump himself) so why stop now.

This gang of thugs and knifemen won’t rest until the United States is a full fledged dictatorship.


I guess Eric Holder wasn’t available. :cat:


King Solomon their asses and make them split that baby! Either prosecute or dismiss with prejudice - those are their only two choices.

  1. You don’t have to say “allegedly corrupt.” “Corrupt” is an opinion, not an objectively verifiable statement of fact. Statements of opinion are not capable of being defamatory.

  2. Picking Paul Clement as amicus is sheer genius. It materially improves the chances of sustaining his ruling on appeal, should he decide to deny the dismissal. He and his team are also going to be relentless in developing the evidence showing it’s openly corrupt. (See, that’s an opinion right there.)


Only 39 days until the critical state Supreme Court election in Wisconsin - the first opportunity for Democrats to inflict a humiliating electoral defeat on Trump/Musk/MAGA.

Consider making a donation to the Wisconsin Democratic Party today:



Like most comments of this type, you chose to make it sound inevitable, without mentioning anything countervailing, such as the rising tide of anger and the midterm fears of supine Congress critters. I suggest this article, which spells out the rapidly changing dynamics of the situation.



He should dismiss with prejudice and eliminate Trump’s control over Adams.

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That wouldn’t do it. Bove and Bondi are holding uncharged obstruction crimes in their back pocket. Limitations on that won’t expire for years.


But Eric Holder is a Democrat – Republicans would dismiss any argument he made as part of a political witch hunt. Appointing a top Republican was a brilliant move. I think Judge Ho figures he’s not likely to bend to pressure, but to do his professional duty to make the best case he can for why the case should not be dismissed. Trump & Co. will probably still dismiss him as a RINO, but he’s going to carry weight with Republicans who have not drunk the MAGA Kool-Ade, including those who may be pretending to go along with Trump, but are really just trying to keep their heads down and out of the cross-fire.


So here I am in Belize City waiting for my flight back to Texas tomorrow for my cancer checkup/treatment.And trying to decide which I should fear the most, unsafe skies due to layoffs and turmoil at the FAA, the clinic being shuttered when I get there due to same at Department of Health, being forced to pay full billing due to paralysis at Medicare, the worry list goes on and on. I hope that I’m able to get my medical records sent to Belize soon, the insanity Stateside just continues to spread and become systematic.




Boy, Did Judge Ho boost my spirits! Paul Clement is an inspired selection.ou can be sure he’ll keep it interesting.


“Trump Org ethics adviser”??? Does the job come with a clown suit?



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I wonder how much pressure Clement is about to get put on him by the Trump minions. He’s been around enough to be used to the politics, but the oncoming death threats are going to be a big step above having Democrats complain. He does seem like a straight shooter, even if he is a Republican, and that bodes well for him to take this duty seriously and advocate for the position to continue the trial. And, there’s a pretty clear case of corruption here…I don’t know if he will openly take it on but he can use that to make it clear that the reasons to drop the charges aren’t within the rule of law.


This piece does not answer the question at the forefront of everyone’s mind: Is Dale Ho a surfer, and how is he related to Don Ho?


The next step should be a call for a Special Prosecutor that is guaranteed independence from the GOP’s corrupt GOP.

And don’t wait, call for this now.


Wrong type of wave…


Morons love oxymorons.

Examples from Wiki are:

Sweet sorrow: A combination of two opposing words that can convey a specific meaning *
Cold fire: A combination of two words with opposing meanings

  • Silent scream: A combination of two words with opposing meanings
  • Open secret: A combination of two words that create a paradox or contradiction
  • Awfully good: A combination of two words with opposing meanings
  • Bittersweet: A combination of two words with opposing meanings
  • Same difference: A combination of two words with opposing meanings
  • Original copy: A combination of two words with opposing meanings
  • Fair is foul: A combination of two words with opposing meanings that can convey a specific meaning
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