Judge Ho Appoints Former GOP Solicitor General To Help Him Mull DOJ's Corrupt Adams Deal

“President Trump’s team is developing a deportation hub at Fort Bliss, near El Paso, Texas, that could eventually hold up to 10,000 undocumented immigrants as they go through the process of being deported, according to three officials familiar with the plan.”

Most of Fort Bliss’s area lies in New Mexico.

So New Mexico is where most of the GOP’s immigrant hostages will be kept.

Ironies keep happening for the GOP criminals.


Well, Musk has rained millions on the Rethug candidate, so the incumbent has something of an uphill fight to retain her seat.
Why are people up in arms (literally) about this South African buying our damn government. Tar and feathers are in order!


Boy! When a Rethug Congress person gets the kind of reaction that that Georgia Congressman ( can’t remember his name right now) in his very red district and with his constituents who are sounding damn fed up, I expect there are going to be more Congresspersons and Senators like my Senator Thomas Tillis who sounds like he is about to jump off the Trump train wreck. I am sending him encouraging emails.


Can Musk’s citizenship be revoked?


I think it is about time that we play the delay game also. I guess they thought we would never wake up and fight back.


I have asked that question myself. Maybe txlawyer could weigh in. There has been talk of some things that Musk has done that might have him in trouble with the law, but I do not know what kind of illegality would rise to the point of endangering his citizenship.


Nothing like that exists.

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Such a call can exist, except perhaps to nihilists.

Just saw video of Argentine President Millei at CPAC. He was being feted by the conservative elite. He was able to rescue the Argentine economy from out-of-control inflation by getting rid of the Central Bank. Does it make sense for America to get rid of the Federal Reserve??


I am thoroughly pissed at my Senator Collins, and I may even register R to primary her, but talking to her is important too. Regardless of party, our country and people come first. It’s a good tack to take.


He brought down inflation with demand destruction. He fired half of the civil service, swelling the ranks of people too poor to buy much. Prices came down. It wasn’t done for the inflation though. It was for the cruelty. He’s a piece of shit who will end up dragged through the streets by an angry mob.


Okay then, call for the Marshall of the Supreme Court release the Freedom Eagle as a signal to the Illuminati to arrest trump and Musk for treason and hold them beneath an active volcano in the South Pacific.

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Judge Crawford’s official campaign website

There’s a link for donations - she has it set through ActBlue.

You can also volunteer. It’s coordinated through WisDems and there are a number of different things you can do.

As of 2/11:

As of this afternoon:

The WI and Fed Dems suck with ad responses. Nothing in the fight against RonJon. Nothing for Judge Janet’s successful campaign. Sorry, but one or two commercials don’t cut it. They did support Gov. Evers successful reelection campaign.

Elon Musk-affiliated groups have committed substantial resources to support Schimel’s campaign, including television advertisements and a $1 million investment in get-out-the-vote initiatives.

While Schimel stated he has never spoken with Musk, the tech billionaire endorsed him on X, the social media platform he owns, urging followers to vote Republican.

Democratic donors are pumping millions into the race as well. The state Democratic Party received contributions from prominent figures, including George Soros and Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, directing funds toward Crawford’s campaign.

And special thanks to neighboring Gov. Pritzker. He is speaking up and speaking out on multiple issues these days!

They can specify where it’s to be used. Thanks to @castor_troy for bringing this to Geoge’s $$ support group.


Wrong again. Your sarcastic nihilism neglects to acknowledge that the Watergate Special Prosecutor did have such sufficient authority but the Iran/Contragate Special Prosecutor did not.

We should all call for a return to the former status, in my opinion.

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Picking Paul Clement as amicus is sheer genius. It materially improves the chances of sustaining his ruling on appeal, should he decide to deny the dismissal. He and his team are also going to be relentless in developing the evidence showing it’s openly corrupt.

Agreed. Just imaging the squealing if he’d picked a Democrat or even an Independent. And he didn’t pick Clement without first discussing with him the sort of investigation he had in mind. This is going to turn up some pretty damning details from Bove’s attempts to strong-arm DOJ lawyers into signing the pleadings and attempting to argue DOJ’s position in court.


I’d be surprised if it was the first time he’s been threatened. Clement has been in some pretty durn big hot-button cases, including anti-gun control, pro-DOMA, etc. He was part of the group that got the ACA individual mandate stricken (well, effectively stricken, by being made unenforceable).

Not that any of that past solid-right track record will keep the “facts are for nerds” MAGAs from declaring him a RINO, of course.


Don’t know if you saw it, but Pritzker went to the well of the legislature in Springfield a couple days ago in connection with the upcoming budget and, essentially, called out TCF for who is, invoking Nazism:
Illinois Governor JB Pritzker getting national attention for speaking out against President Donald Trump during budget address - ABC7 Chicago
From the presentation:
“We don’t have kings in America, and I don’t intend to bend the knee to one,” Pritzker said.

Camera then cut to a GOPer legislator reeling from the butthurt.


Another topic of lawlessness is the GOP’s attack on the FBI:

“FBI managers were told Friday that up to 1,500 staff and agents would be transferred out of the bureau’s Washington headquarters to satellite offices across the country, according to multiple people informed about the message, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because it has not been publicly announced.”

How many will be unable to move?


This is a fight Trump and his minions do not want and will cost them something even if not allot.

While others have in my view accurately addressed the legal issues and strategy, whatever happens for Trump this is terrible politics and causes him to waste resources on this fight. The discovery/investigation and arguments that Clement will expose during this process I predict will be very damning to Adams, Trump and their cohorts. Not only that, the fight ties them up in both time and resources to include money while costing Trump’s opponents nothing.

Considering all that is happening, Adam’s himself including his selling out to Trump is a small matter when compared to everything else, but it is good to see Trump having to pay some price for his corruption regardless of what happens Adam’s for his corruption.


Eric Adams is now in a bit of a pickle, since he’s serving two masters for the time being: Trump and Gov. Hochul, with both Tom Homan and Paul Clement crawling up his butt. I don’t think that’s a very comfortable position to be in. No matter what the outcome, this is going to feel like a prolonged visit to the proctologist for the mayor.