Judge Aileen Cannon Failed to Disclose a Right-Wing Junket

Originally published at: Judge Aileen Cannon Failed to Disclose a Right-Wing Junket - TPM – Talking Points Memo

This story first appeared at ProPublica. ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox. Federal Judge Aileen M. Cannon, the controversial jurist who tossed out the classified documents criminal case against Donald Trump in July, failed to disclose her attendance…

As a dedicated Trumper, Cannon has no conflicts. She knows what she needs to do and nothing can influence her to change course. And obeying the law is for cat women only.


In the words of the immortal Morton Freem:

Who cares?

After the disclosures from SCOTUS resulted in absolutely no action or retribution, we can look forward to South American-style corruption among judges.

Who cares?


Oh, pshaw. This is just Supreme Court anti-ethics practice. I’m sure that in the privacy of her chambers, she pulls a duck face, tries to look like Coney Barrett, and announces that she’s ready for her close-up.


The cold hard evidence in the documents case screams trump’s guilt. He defied a subpoena to return all the government’s documents. Even to the extent of holding onto highly classified material he should never have had once out of office. There is the FBI photo of classified documents taken on the floor of trump’s Mar-a-Lago office. And the boxes stacked in a bathroom and on a stage. Certainly not secure areas. The Archives tried repeatedly to get material back but trump refused.
And Cannon threw the case out on the weak excuse that Smith’s appointment had no Senate approval. Special prosecutors going back further than the Watergate era during Nixon’s term did not need Senate approval.


Gosh, I didn’t know that Trump University had a law school!


Federalist Society Member: Check
Non-compliant with ethics requirements: Check
Creative in inventing Constitutional principles to protect Trump : Check

Definitely Supreme Court Material.


the Law and Economics Center at George Mason University

Just so we’re all on the same page: this is the place where Charles Koch set up his fever-swamp of radical ideological economists with the goal of turning the American public against the US government.

All of this is discussed in agonizing detail in Democracy in Chains, by Nancy MacLean.

Democracy in Chains names its true architect—the Nobel Prize-winning political economist James McGill Buchanan—and dissects the operation he and his colleagues designed over six decades to alter every branch of government to disempower the majority.

Buchanan won his Nobel for inventing “public choice theory,” which asserts that all elected officials are greedy self-dealing crooks who always only use their office to benefit themselves. (Apparently this bald lie counts as “knowledge” for purposes of awarding academic prizes.) That was a pretty tough sell in the era after WWII, but 70 years and hundreds of millions spent cultivating ignorant extremists has changed things.

When I say “ignorant,” I mean that at one point the Dean of the College begged Buchanan to please start teaching some actual economics, because his program of developing intellectualized propaganda had decimated the placement rate for GMU Econ graduates – none of them could get entry-level econ jobs anywhere because they didn’t have the most basic understanding of economics.

That’s who Aileen Cannon has been palling around with.


She inquired with George Mason staff about details for an Alaska excursion recommended by a former lawyer in the Trump-era White House Counsel’s Office.

Cannon is so close to Clarence Thomas-level kickbacks that she’s already angling for a trip to Singer’s Alaskan fishing resort.


Well I dont like it, but there is little I can do about it.


She’s bound to get hooked on them.


She really does think she’s going to be seated on the SC. Yikes.


she just might


She likes their line of reasoning.



She’ll maybe get a dlap on the wrist,when what she needs is a punch in that smug kisser.

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This means she don’t know sh*t and will do anything she is told to do without knowing why.


Does anyone have another photo of her? This Mona Lisa pic that we get exposed to all of the time is really tiresome. I want to punch it. Do a search and that is the only photo you will find. It’s weird. Yes, weird.


Cannon, Alito, Thomas, etc. are hard right wingers and they are going to make decisions and write opinions consistent with that. Reporting gifts, etc., won’t change that, while the idea that they are corrupt for accepting gifts is naive if not silly, however much it defies standard ethics or appearances.


How hard is this to figure out? She figures that with the dismissal of the case and if she can give a better blowjob than Laura Loomer (which I doubt) she’s a shoe in for the next SCOTUS vacancy.