Judge Aileen Cannon Failed to Disclose a Right-Wing Junket

To me, it’s remarkable that people of such great faith – in religion or some ideology, mission or cause – have no regard for the spirit of law.


She’s lured by money and power; ethics 'n’stuff are a drag.

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She’s both corrupt and profoundly ignorant of the Law. The next AG needs to open and investigation of her and every contact she has ever had to allow for review of ALL of her decisions.

My guess is they find enough bad deeds to pursue an indictment for defrauding the United States.

At that point they can have Judge Pryor to ask her to resign so that she can face prosecution for fraud.


The acceptance of gift-style retainers isn’t what makes them corrupt, it’s what makes it obvious how corrupt they are.


Here’s Steve Calabresi, 40 years on from founding the Federalist Society big-money-funded conservative judge pipeline running from Yale mostly to power posts in government institutions. He was proud that “insourcing” of federal judge appointments in the Trump administration yielded an 87% crop of federal judge appointments with Federalist pedigree. In other words, judges who could be relied on to deliver certain decisions in specific instances. And made Leonard Leo a very rich guy in the process. Oddly, Cannon is portrayed as a kook and incompetent, when we all know that the purpose of any system is what it does.

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I googled “Crazy Aileen”, and this came up:



It’s not surprising that Cannon is a crook.

I met a lawyer who was a partner in a very old New York law firm. The 12 partners at that time had a rotation system that relieved one of the partners of most duties to spend an entire year finding one person to recruit. This cautious, careful selection was seen as key to the firm’s longevity, connections and high profitability without having to fudge a single timesheet. It seems that when you need to find people to defend economic power or fight for corporate and national (not always the US) interests, you need to be real picky.

The uber-rich need a similar network in selection, grooming and guiding the right people into powerful positions. We all know Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton, John Roberts, Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito, and Bret Kavenaugh, but there is a much broader field to occupy in government, not just state and federal judiciaries. These Leonard Leo get-togethers are part of the calibration process. It should be no minor concern that even if Harris triumphs in the popular vote, opportunities for tilting the election outcome to Trump in a close election are many. It was a little embarrassing that Scalia allowed two of his sons, Eugene and John, to work on the Gore v. Bush case, and John was working for Ginny Thomas at the time. But no recusals of course. If it is a close election, get ready for some hardball and remember who the refs are. Dan Davies likes to say,

“The world is made out of decisions, not events.”

Somebody should make sure that is all that sentence runs in the main news crawls throughout the month of November.

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That can only happen if the next AG isn’t a frightened bedwetter like Garland.

I love that she filed to get approximately $100 back for traveling to the airport for her all-expenses paid trip. Grifters ain’t leaving one cent on the table.

Bet she’s a lousy tipper.

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CANNONS husband is an ex-mob lawyer.

look at that picture closely…you will see that there is no ‘there’ there. a completely blank look.

Because you know, makes them corrupt? The fact that some of the Justices are ethically playing loose flows from their politics. They don’t need to be paid off to rule as they have.

you need to remeber she is married to former? mob lawyer.