Jordan Officially On House Intel | Talking Points Memo

“Locker him up!”


Gym Jordan is the Joe Paterno of Lou Gohmerts.


Somebody here said too many people will be annoyed if the hearings replace Judge Judy-type shows and the entertainment they offer. I don’t think the judge could be any more entertaining than these Rs you mentioned. There’ll be hollering and histrionics, there’ll be showboating, there’ll be subtle threats, there’ll be the sight of a balding member of Congress in a dingy shirt. It doesn’t get much better


Indeed there is, but when Gym confronted Committee Chair Adam Schiff about that requirement, demanding to wrestle him for the right to sit on the committee, Schiff said “EWW!”, and conceded to let him attend the hearings as a Committee member.

Oh don’t you worry, CNN will have him on as an Impeachment Expert to spout propaganda while failing to mention the sexual harrassment lawsuits against him when he was the wrestling coach.


In view of the depositions that have been released, I welcome this attempt to turn the hearings into the kind of circus the Republicans want. Instead, they are for once
Going to have to deal with actual facts presented by direct witnesses all of which have been broadly consistent across the depositions ( as ultimately amended by the one clown on the witness list). They are going to look like the fools they are. Bring it.


Which is why they keep going on their victim rants. We’ve really got to stop letting fear of GOP whining dictate our actions.

Maybe, but preventing an a-hole from being replaced by a slightly bigger a-hole is hardly worth the effort.


Jordan is a panto-villain. There’s no way this works out well for the Pubbies. And I’m hoping to hear Schiff tell him:“absent yourself!”


Showering is right.


I assume Jordan is replacing another Republican, which means the IQ delta really can’t be all that significant. They’re just replacing a bona fide moron with a gibbering idiot.


OT, but I figured we could all use a laugh…

Pendulum is clearly swinging towards manic phase for him at the moment. Remarkable how his psycho-babble is so similarly tangential, substanceless and world-salady to Trump’s tho, eh?


That would be the perfect response in the open hearings next week when he starts his haranguing witnesses:

I’m sorry Congressman, I don’t believe in turning a blind eye to wrongdoing.

I was in a position of trust - I couldn’t just look the other way.


His role at the hearing will be as one of those dancing air tubes we see on the curb in front of a used car lot.


Yeah, but apparently, for Gym Jordan, that’s his lifelong M.O., including when young men get sexually abused by older authority figure men, like coaches and PTs. He is the epitome of the white replacement freakout and would support Trump even if Trump was caught in the Rose Garden chopping up a woman’s body because a lawless authoritarian extortion rackateer is pretty much the daydream perfect POTUS in the GOP’s hivemind right now…nothing could possibly make them more confident that they’ll finally make their power permanent than having a sociopath lead the party who wipes his ass with the social contract and not only lives as if no laws apply to him, BUT HAS GOTTEN AWAY WITH DOING SO FOR 70+ YEARS BECAUSE OF HIS WEALTH.


Everyone knows that wrestling coaches conduct the best cross-examinations.

You’ll see.

Wait. I’m told they can do a really good double-leg take down. However, cross-examination of intelligent public servants might be a stretch. For recent examples, read the transcripts.


Rudy’s not doing this just for his own giggles. Trump has been using him as aback channel since maybe forever.


Two words: Michele Bachmann


Actually, I’ve been toying with the idea that they may try to delegitimize the public hearings by boycotting them.


Aren’t you sly?

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