Jordan Officially On House Intel | Talking Points Memo

Normally, Mulvaney would want cover not to testify unless he thinks he is the next guy under the bus. Conventional wisdom is that Bolton wants cover to testify and throw other people under the bus.

But they are both looking for the same legal decision to help them?

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Yes, and she should. In addition to his reputation for gross partisanship and obstructing committee deliberations there is the question of Jordan’s fitness for any task demanding critical attention and a moral compass.

Let this sink in: there is way more credible evidence that Rep. Jim Jordan covered up a sexual abuse scandal at Ohio State than there is evidence Joe Biden did anything wrong related to Ukraine. — Matthew Dowd

Makes perfect sense, Kevin McCarthy wanted a guy with previous experience in letting sexual predators who commit crimes go free without prosecution.


Oh, yeah. Gym will get a new venue in which to make a fool of himself.


Jim Jordan? The guy who didn’t notice an OSU doctor sexually abusing his wrestlers? A veritable Captain Renault, without the intellect.


Does having a moral comp-ASS qualify?

LOL! Little Gym riding in on a white stallion and wearing a white Stetson to save the day! Little Gym “interrogating” is a live cartoon. He only wants to hear himself act “tough”. If the Republicans bet their chips all in with this gambit, they can kiss their asses goodbye! Disruption isn’t absolution.


Men in shirt sleeves are fine, but it has to be a certain shirt, crisp white maybe with fine pinstripes, a casual sweater over the shirt would be okay and the right tie to pull it all together. Gym pulls his shirts out of his unwashed laundry basket.


That doesn’t work with republicans. Dems never learn. They don’t fight fire with fire and they don’t fight fire with water, they just don’t fight. That’s why the moron republican criminals tend to win.

Yeah, it’s why we don’t have a Civil Rights Act, or legal abortion, or gay marriage, or any other liberal advance in our society over the past 50 or 60 years. Yeah, we just can’t ever win on the social justice front,

Oh well, I guess we should just give up and surrender to the oligarchs and the religious fundamentalists.They clearly know how to play this game far better than we do… /snark


Gym Jordan isn’t half as intelligent as the equipment he uses in his gym. He already made a fool out of himself with his hectoring of Hillary Clinton in his fake Bengazi interrogations. Now he’s moved on to bigger and better things trying to cover up the Rump’s dirty behavior. What was that, again, about the pedophile he worked with for years without . noticing a thing?


The move says everything you need to know about the quality of the Republican defense of the president.


Jordan is not going to be able to wrestle Trump out of this mess! But perhaps it will be a good thing for him to try so his constituents can witness how USELESS he is too them!


Yeah. Send in the clowns. That’ll save Trump.


not only that…but keep GYM out of the locker rooms., where the young boy Pages/ Interns, change clothes.

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well, duh! While the Republicans are dashing about, yelling about this or that, the Democrats quietly go about the business of governance…and get it done.

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Go Jim now the whole world will see what and asshole you are…

My thought exactly. Let Gym display his assholery in full view and remind everyone of the olden days in the gym at OSU.

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McCarthy is not smart. Jordan, Gaetz, and Meadows run roughshod over him.


I believe most Americans want to see the public testimony hearings conducted with seriousness. Gym is not serious.


Sure, we all do. I am not advocating for the spectacle for personal enjoyment. But I am a strong advocate for letting the other guy punch himself in the face if it is unavoidable.

Gaetz’s walk-in protest was disruptive and a news item. But it drifted away quickly because once done, everyone got back to business and the purpose of that protest in my view boomeranged. He may have gotten some attaboys from the Oval and the Fox Base, but it did nothing.

One thing I admire is the parent with the kid-let that is making a fuss. This type of parent manages the child, gets past the disruption and continues onward as if nothing happened. The Stoicism is brilliant at times. I think Schiff is in that mode. Let the brats sound off, put the rules in place and get the job done.

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