Joint Chiefs Chairman Confirms Soldiers Were Issued Bayonets For DC Protests | Talking Points Memo

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has confirmed a report by The Associated Press that some of the service members who were mobilized to Washington, D.C., last month in response to civil unrest over the killing of George Floyd were issued bayonets. Defense documents obtained by the AP show some were not trained in riot response.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

And didn’t Milley make that infamous walk wearing fatigues?


Trump’s fantasy and desire to dominate while he begs from China to help him win 2020 election or to enable Putin to put bounty on US soldiers is a hallmark of a vengeful bully who wants to be the Emperor or Dictator of America!

Meanwhile…another vengeful bully


But the reports also led to sharp condemnation and outrage on social media platforms.

“Exactly how sharp?” I asked, as I carefully touched the point of one of the bayonets with the tip of my finger.


The soldiers were Milley was issued bayonets fatigues for their his June 2 deployment — but told they were to remain in their scabbards and not attached to their service rifles the closet

Bayonets. Isn’t that dandy. Just to realize the sick fantasies of a sniveling coward. Every day. Every day it’s something worse than the day before.


Why use bayonets when you have access to Predator Drones? You’re slipping, Donnie…


And the Senate ignores all those who have been trying for 6 weeks or more to get the UE benefits.
And Mitch’s timing is perfect, half the red states are slowing down their re-opening or are shutting down again. This is like when he and the Senate ran away after passing the CARES Act. I’d really like to see his internal polling numbers…


Shh, he does’t know about the drones.

Beside Trump is an upfront and personal kind of guy, that’s why Keith Schiller did all his firing for him.


Horrifying. How close were we to


The story I heard is that he changed because he would be working in the Pentagon that evening and didn’t expect to be dragged out for a photo op. I don’t think him wearing fatigues was really an issue, it’s apparently considered standard nowadays in certain circumstances.

Really, this entire episode shows how wrong things are…deploying troops against protestors in the capitol is something you see in other nations, not here. And, it’s obvious that the troops weren’t necessary, the protests were largely peaceful and the police had the upper hand at all times. It’s a dangerous precedent that the government is planning to send front line troops into a civilian protest…they are trained to separate out non-combatants but at the same time look for anything that’s a threat and react with massive force in that case. And, just one bad egg can cause huge amounts of damage, despite the goodness of the other troops out there…read the WaPo article about the Clint Lorance war crimes in Afghanistan that they published today for an example.

The American military just should not be used for crowd control, it’s not their job or training, and it’s going to lead to tragedy if it happens.


Bayonets? Fucking bayonets? They actually issued fucking bayonets to soldiers who might have been deployed to “address” protesters who were exercising their Constitutional right? And the brass went along with this?

  1. If anyone in the military hierarchy believes it is appropriate to “address” the American people with bayonets while the American people are practicing their Constitutional rights to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly, then they should resign effective immediately. They have disgraced their uniform and shit on their oaths to uphold and protect the Constitution.

  2. If any of those troops had been deployed to the White House, then they would have to individually decide who was the real enemy of the people. I would hope that they would each turn and face the White House, currently occupied by the treasonous bastard who continues to allow Putin to offer bounties on the heads of American soldiers serving in Afghanistan.

Fucking outrageous.


The soldiers were issued bayonets for their June 2 deployment — but told they were to remain in their scabbards and not attached to their service rifles, Joint Chiefs Chairman Army Gen. Mark A. Milley

Why issue them at all then? Weasel.

Milley said the order to mobilize the troops came from Major Army Gen. Omar Jones, who serves as commander of the military district of Washington.

Passing the buck… like a good Trumpturd that would not take responsibility for nothing…


You have less to fear from the regular military than you do from the police.

In 71 and with 4thBn 10th Marines and with many of us being veterans, we were equipped with M-14s and the bayonet going with it. We were also trained in riot and/or people control. In the event of trouble in Washington D.C., we would have been deployed there. It is not uncommon to have your bayonet (then) if deployed.

At the time, we were not issue live rounds.


Bayonets? Imagine if they had been used…


Yes, the Vietnam War era. Issuing bayonets or live rounds to counter peaceful protests wasn’t right then and it’s not right now.

I believe everyone knows exactly how well that worked at Kent State.


My Dad fought in a bayonet division at Okinawa. He couldn’t talk about it for over 40 years. When he did start to share, he described the horror of being face-to-face with your enemy knowing what you might have to do. For my Dad, he was left with the realization that he was facing another 18-year old kid who was just as scared as he was, trying to do what his country asked of him. Imagine if he had been facing a US citizen . . .


I agree on the inappropriateness of deploying military to protest sites, and the optics of Milley in fatigues is outrageous.



I fee so bad that I laughed out loud when I read that headline. That would be even more of a self-own than the PLA rolling tanks into Beijing to intimidate protesting students.


Fake news! Fake news!

They were “Freedom Skewers”!